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Wednesday, May 04, 2016

Military Shows Off Unmanned Naval Ship That Sails on Its Own

The military is about to begin testing an unmanned Naval ship that was designed to cross oceans without a single crew member on board.

The 132-foot "Sea Hunter" was on display in San Diego Monday. It will next sail to a Naval base for testing and seaworthiness, reports the Associated Press.



  1. If there's nobody aboard, can someone claim it under salvage laws in international waters?

  2. Terminator - rise of the machines

  3. They can try...

    (I imagine they'll be a few other USN vessels in the area)

    1. On the surface, in the air and down below.

  4. I want one. But I don't know why.

  5. Let's tell everyone in the world what we are doing!

  6. WTH do we need one of those for? I think that the money could of been put to better use taking care of wounded soldiers and the veterans. Wow

  7. This is the stupidest thing I have seen. Another waste of money.
    These things do not function without a human. Those humans communicate with this vessel via satelites. It is well known that in the event of a war the enemy will take out our satelites.

    Basically this is a sea drone.

    War is fought by people not drones. War is won or lost by people not drones. The rule of war is that people die. You can't change that rule.

    Wars are fought between the good and the evil and visa versa.

  8. 5:51 Story time is over at the nursing home. Time to get your meds and off to bed.


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