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Wednesday, May 25, 2016


WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Barbara A. Mikulski (D-Md.), while on her Eastern Shore Jobs Tour earlier this month, visited Self-Help on Rural Economics and Urban Problems (SHORE UP!) and Joseph House, organizations that support underserved communities and meet compelling human needs on the Lower Shore.
“I’m so pleased to visit SHORE UP! and Joseph House to see first-hand their good work to support compelling human need on Maryland’s Eastern Shore,” Senator Mikulski said. “As a former social worker, I know how important early education, nutritious meals and quality housing are for kids and families. I’ll continue to be on the side of Maryland families and communities who need it most.”
SHORE UP! serves 11,000 Marylanders in seven Eastern Shore counties, providing underserved communities with Head Start and Early Head Start, Foster Grandparent program, adult education, senior services, subsidized housing in Princess Anne, weatherization and housing rehabilitation and Energy Assistance Program.
SHORE UP! was founded in 1965 as a Community Action Committee as part of President Lyndon B. Johnson’s Anti-Poverty program. The majority of those served by SHORE UP! are minority residents. It was one of the first Head Start providers to be funded by the federal government.
Senator Mikulski has fought to secure federal funding for the Community Services Block Grant program, administered by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, which provides federal grants to support community service focused organizations like SHORE UP!.
Joseph House is a faith-based social services provider which serves residents in need on Maryland’s Lower Shore. Founded by Sister Mary Elizabeth Gintling, a Little Sister of Jesus and Mary, in 1966, Joseph House serves low income residents in crisis by providing financial assistance and serve lunch at a day shelter.
Joseph House also provides transitional housing for men, which provides skill training for employment, and transitional housing for women and children at Village of Hope. Earlier this month on May 1, Joseph House celebrated its 50th anniversary.
On Monday, May 2, 2016, U.S. Senator Barbara A. Mikulski (D-Md.) meets with leaders at SHORE UP! to discuss her continued support of their mission to underserved communities on the Eastern Shore.
On Monday, May 2, 2016, U.S. Senator Barbara A. Mikulski (D-Md.) meets with students at SHORE UP! during a visit demonstrating her continued support of the organization’s mission to underserved communities on the Eastern Shore.
On Monday, May 2, 2016, U.S. Senator Barbara A. Mikulski (D-Md.) presents a certificate from the U.S. Senate to Sr. Connie Ladd, LSJM of Joseph House, recognizing the organization’s 50th anniversary of service to underserved communities on the Eastern Shore.


  1. This little hack still thinks people care what she does. All the morons kept her in office for 35 years. What has she done besides getting rich. She's a millionaire but wasn't when she first went to DC!!! Yet the fools on the eastern shore thinks she's wonderful when we are ALL suffering! !!!

  2. stay home u circus troll

  3. Shore Up does a lot of good but this Head Start Early Start is just free babysitting-what purpose does a classroom do for a newborn???? SMH

  4. So, how do folks that are not minorities but in need of help actually get help?

    I thought so.

  5. Must have been a free lunch somewhere.

  6. lol free babysitting. very true, but if you want any hope of giving these kids a future the less time spent with welfare mommy is probably a better choice!
    Dont think it's gonna help at all though!


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