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Monday, May 23, 2016

Media in agony as Trump makes it relive Bill Clinton's sex scandals

The press is balking at the idea of revisiting Bill Clinton's sex scandals, and many in media are warning presumed GOP nominee Donald Trump and his supporters against even mentioning the issue.

Trump escalated things in a Fox News interview this week when he used the word "rape" in reference to a charge brought against the former president by a woman named Juanita Broaddrick.

Broaddrick maintains she was sexually assaulted by Clinton in 1978.

"In one case, it's about exposure," cable news host Sean Hannity said of the many charges brought against Clinton. "In another case, it's about groping and fondling and touching against a woman's will."



  1. The Clintons can't handle the truth!

  2. In this photo, Sex Predator Bill is checking out the curves, while Enabler In Chief Hillary is asking herself how she's going to cover his next indiscretion.

  3. Rapist be raping.

  4. Concerned RetireeMay 23, 2016 at 6:49 PM

    Devillary wants to bring up the women issue then she has to be "man" enough to handle it. This is her family issue / involvement. Women better think twice if they think she will back women's concerns out side of her political rhetoric.


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