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Thursday, May 26, 2016

Md. animal cruelty case exposes need for more scrutiny on rescue groups

WASHINGTON — She was running a rescue operation that claimed it was “helping dogs in high-kill shelters escape death and find loving forever homes.”

But now Katherine Ting Tiong, 47, of Rockville faces sentencing on 66 counts of animal cruelty.

The case raises questions about dog rescue operations: How can a potential adopter be sure that the dog they hope to bring home is coming from a responsible rescue group that is giving each dog adequate care?

“There are very few laws in any state that actually describe what a rescue group is or hold them to any standards,” said Cory Smith, director of public policy at the Humane Society of the United States.

Smith said there is little oversight over rescue groups, which tend to be volunteer-run organizations.



  1. How about the Mike Vick Puppy Playground?

  2. Some just want to do something good and then get overwhelmed. Others see it as a pot o' gold and don't really care that much about the animals.

  3. This country does the same thing with people that are taking in foster children and we expect conditions to be better for dogs?


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