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Tuesday, May 03, 2016

'Make America Mexico Again': Why Americans are fed up with illegals

There is something a bit unsettling about watching violent, foul-mouthed protesters waving the Mexican flag on American soil.

Over the weekend, Hispanic children lined the streets in Fort Wayne, Indiana – hurling filthy insults at Donald Trump supporters.

“F*** you,” the youngsters shouted as they flipped off passerby. “F*** you.”

Video captured images of the angry protesters wearing sombreros and holding signs that read, “Brown Pride.”



  1. I think this is the most troubling thing that has come up during the election. It shows the lack of assimilation of the Mexican people, who are in the country legally or not. In the past immigrants were expected to learn English and the American laws and system of government and general way of life, in order to succeed and gain citizenship. They were expected to become Americans, not Italian Americans or Irish Americans. At no time was there an effort to devalue their heritage, most live in communities where their native language was spoken in the homes and socially, but all learned English. Today we cater to those that come to our nation, with no intention of this assimilation. They expect the government to cater to them, and give all the benefits. Some work hard, others are just here to collect.

    If the Mexican, or any other county's way of life is that important, and if you want to keep that culture, and if you want that language to be your language of business, please go back to whatever country you came from. I welcome new people immigrate. Share their diversity, cuisine and customs, but also they must want to become Americans and support this country.

  2. KIDS....ridiculous! No doubt the parents are home hiding, they better hope Trump doesn't get elected......their world is about to CHANGE!!! LOL they will be able to make Mexico great again when they are back home again...ha ha ha


  3. So graceful that America codons this behavior from anyone. If they don't start flushing this trash out of our country, maybe we should leave and watch them fail big time.

  4. Californians need to start doing citizens arrests on the illegals, it is within the law. This would force the situation to the top of the list for action, if citizens started doing this.

  5. Taco breath foul mouth punks. The border is open for biz walk your refried bean eatin asses home. The Mexicans I have come into contact with that act this way have become African Americanized they play it for all it is worth.

  6. Wow the level of christian love is overwhelming giving that most hispanics are catholic.

  7. They were paid and needed the money.

  8. Why don't Mexicans fight for their own country?Because if they stand up to the government they disappear.


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