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Saturday, May 28, 2016

MAC Launches Campaign To Feed More Elderly In Region

SALISBURY — “The truth is, I was in dire need of food when Meals on Wheels started bringing my food.”

That’s what Meals on Wheels recipient Rebecca, age 91, recalls.

Rebecca isn’t alone. On the Lower Shore, many seniors don’t have access to adequate nutrition. The circumstances may differ: lack of transportation to the grocery store, health issues that make it difficult or impossible to prepare a meal, no money to buy food. Often, food takes a back seat to other expenses necessary for life.

Food insecurity is the most broadly-used measure of food deprivation in the U.S. The U.S. Department of Agriculture defines food insecurity as “consistent access to adequate food limited by a lack of money and other resources.”

Elderly suffering from food insecurity and hunger experience more difficulties in performing activities of daily living, can become more vulnerable to falls, and have an increased incidence of illness, hospital admission and nursing home placement.



  1. That black thug is going to beat, rob, and then rape that poor old lady, happens a lot!

  2. This is such a great program. Makes me angry all the billions raised for campgains goes nowhere but over inflated egos to take office

  3. I will become more and more necessary for baby boomers to receive services so that they can stay at home. There will not be enough nursing homes or care facilities for it to work any other way. I commend MAC and everyone that is in the service to the elderly. Thank you!


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