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Sunday, May 01, 2016

Julie Brewington Is Delusional


  1. Julie you are not getting my vote and to think you got as many votes as you did is very nauseating. I can still smell your booze and cigarette breath.

  2. Julie you are meaningless just like IRETON you should go to the mall and get a new used black leather faux coat ,fake just like YOU.

  3. Congratulations to Grant Helvey who is a great guy!

  4. Get over yourself Julie. Hang it up Loser

  5. So, Julie, you are saying that you hold NO moral loyalty to anyone, you just "want to be a delegate!" Like a feather in your cap or something.

    What a loser.

  6. Learn English first, and learn to proof read your crap... What is "it's no surprise the the"?????? I know what you meant because I'm not stupid like the rest of SBY but seriously if your supposed to be in a political or high position for the govt, at least proof read your crap...

    Furthermore what the hell is "...if I do win the At-Large Delegate, thought the party, I will have to..."?????? Why would the party think? The party is a group of people, "The party" is not a single entity that can do anything...

    Just like a corporation can't vote or pay taxes, it is the people who work for the corporation that votes or pays the bills...

  7. She's obviously on the sauce again! I remember her parties back in high school. You ever watch Naked and Afraid on TV?? LOL LOL

  8. I thought she moved to Florida?

  9. My wife was going to Vote for you, but when I showed her your Trumptard statement she decided to vote for someone else. We still voted for Cruz but not for you. Sometimes it better to keep your opinions to yourself.

  10. Can it Julie no body cares about you and the only votes you will get is from those that's can't read or hear.

  11. Cruz 9:58? The man is running for chief minister not President. Trump is the true leader.

  12. "Anonymous said...

    She is a drunk.

    April 27, 2016 at 10:26 AM"

    I thought so. She's sporting the bloated face that all alcohol abusers eventually develop.

  13. ......and she needs to look to Melania Trump for makeup and hair style tips.

    She wears too much blush and too little contouring. That much blush only works with proper contouring and a heck of a lot of blending. Think windshield wiper motion and blend like crazy.

    She also has droopy eyelids and the eye shadow technique she uses only emphasizes the droop. Would benefit in this area from some major blending with a good angled shader brush.

    Way way way too much eyeliner going on. She needs to either throw away all her eyeliners or learn how to apply it properly.

    Her hair is too stringy and would benefit from some strategically placed extensions (if she wants to continue wearing the length) AFTER she does something about the brassy blond color.

    If she prefers wearing so much eye makeup then she needs to give up the lipstick and stick with just shaded lip gloss. Wearing a lot of eye makeup and lipstick together only makes you look like a clown.

  14. "cast a vote for Donald Trump, on the first ballot" -- Does this mean Julie hopes it goes to a second ballot then she can change her vote to Cruz, which is her plan all along? Thinks everyone is pretty stupid not to catch that, huh?

  15. Every since I first saw the show Pawn Stars, I though Brewington looked like the Old Man dressed in drag. She does were entirely too much makeup and instead of enhancing her features just drawls out the flaws.

  16. Does this woman really think we give a horse's hair what her toil is at this point? She's marginalized herself and defamed the VFW and DAR all in one swoop. How silly of her to believe she's that relevant in the grand scheme of life is just a mystery to me. It must be nice to have such an inflated sense of self.

  17. This woman is a prime example of why I can't stand the game of politics and it's crooked players. She needs to do us all a huge favor and find some other game to play.

  18. You can look up the vote count 7:48 it was over 9000 so she is accurate and when was the last time you were so close to smell her breath was it at a meeting?


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