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Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Is Hillary Really Protecting Women?

Is Hillary really protecting women? Donald Trump asks this question in a new ad featuring the testimony of one of many Clinton accusers. 

Expect this to be part of a sustained campaign. Can Hillary hit back in any way whatsoever?



  1. She's going to "fight for women"?
    When she had the chance to REALLY walk the walk (when her husband preyed upon every woman he ever made eye contact with, including his employees) and REALLY "fight for women", she faded into the background. In many cases, she ATTACKED those women. Ruined their career.
    She will say ANYTHING. The end justifies the means.
    She knows she is in trouble. If it's not the FBI, it will be the voters, who are turning away from her contradictions, lies, and pandering.
    Gimme five, bro.

  2. Yes, b/c she is a Lesbian!!!


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