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Thursday, May 05, 2016

Is Ben Carson on the Fast Track to the White House?

This is interesting. In 2000, George W Bush named Dick Cheney as head of his VP selection committee. Cheney selected himself. It also makes sense for Trump strategically. Carson's popularity with social conservatives could help Trump gain the support of Cruz voters he may have alienated over the last two months, and Carson's standing in the black community could help Trump make inroads into one of Hillary's strongest constituent groups.

Source: AAN


  1. I don't think he'll choose Dr Carson for VP. He needs someone who knows how to deal with Congress. He needs an insider.

  2. Joe, check your comment history and see that I've been saying Trump Carson 2016 for a long long time. Looks like it might happen.

  3. Does anyone know if a Democrat could be chosen as VP?

  4. Let me rephrase that;Can a Republican Presidential nominee choose a Democrat to run as his VP?

  5. @10:53...hubby and I were just wondering the same thing...

  6. Ben is a great American but I don't think he will sway the black voters for they are stuck on stupid years of proof the Democrats use them and still have learned nothing.

  7. @10:53, but why on earth? Please, give us a name of someone compatible with Trump's platform that's also a Democrat.

    I can't wait to see your answer!

  8. Ben will be considered for Surgeon General of Sec. of Health and Human Services. Donald wants a political "insider" for VP. Due to the number of electoral votes in each state, my guess is he will select either Kasich or Rubion. Ohio and Florida are projected to be "battleground" states where there is no clear favorite but Trump will probably need to win both to get the presidency. Just my opinion.

  9. Lincoln choose Democrat Johnson as his running mate.

    A Presidential candidate can select any person he likes as their running mate. However, the Vice Presidential choice must still be nominated by the convention.

  10. And so have I, 10:00 pm! Carson would make an excellent member of the Trump Administration in any capacity he is chosen for, including VP or Surgeon General.

    And no, 9:05, he doesn't need an "insider" any more than he needs poison ivy. President Trump will make an excellent choice for VP because that's what he's good at!


  11. There are no democrats worthy of being VP nominee or anything else.

  12. What a splendid idea , Hillary for Vice President , then she would be doing what she does best "NOTHING".

  13. 5:14 "stuck on stupid"? Because we choose not to vote the way you want us? LOL. Yeah that makes sense.


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