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Friday, May 20, 2016

I Have To Say, I Am In Awe Over Today's Daily Times Editorial

A Viewer said, Against overwhelming odds, the DT may have penned the most pitiful piece of PC journalism to date. It's hard for me to imagine one person baking this illogical pretzel in his/her mind. To think of 2 or more sane adults reviewing it and not seeing the gaping holes in that pretzel before posting it is stunning.I assure you a financial adviser was not even discussed.

If any CPA tells you to move to a county/state with higher local taxes because it's the charitable thing to do and it offsets your federal liability - run!

A portion of the editorial said: 

"When it's your spouse who is laid off from a state job, your property that was damaged by a storm after disaster relief funding was cut, your niece (or the girl next door) who was raped and is contemplating suicide, your loved one addicted to painkillers, where will you turn"?

Good Lord, how far will the Liberal Media go any more. The Editorial attacks Governor Hogan for reducing taxes in Maryland and implies the reductions are just too good to be true.

This coming from a Newspaper who continues to increase their price, yet is so thin and provides a good 70% less news then it had delivered years ago for twenty five cents. 

This attack piece is just the beginning of their campaign to go after Hogan in the hope of convincing local voters to elect another Democrat Governor who will raise taxes and destroy the state, just like O'Malley did. 

Perhaps the Daily Times should look at Hogan's popularity rating and they'd come to realize just why so many people are dropping their subscription to that paper. Why they lost their building in Downtown Salisbury, had to sell their Press and outsource daily printing to Wilmington, DE. and if that's not enough, their massive drop in employees should speak volumes as well. Then, out of nowhere, the skeleton crew they managed to keep as employees were then forced to reapply for their jobs at a massive reduction in pay. Yet they support a $15.00 minimum wage, rain taxes and have been the recipient of a massive local tax reduction and stood in line every year with their hands out at City Council Meetings.

So please, do tell me how and why ANYONE would purchase that newspaper any more and actually believe ANYTHING they say when it comes to finances? I'm just in awe.


  1. I was stunned by that editorial ! These people are so out of touch with the hard working middle class. This is the last straw - I'm cancelling my subscription immediately.

  2. It's a mystery to me, too. Between the poison pen editorials and the pandering to local elites, the paper is a fading shadow of its former self.

  3. To those that are now canceling your subscription, what in h--l took you so long. Canceled mine as soon as they started attacking Culver.

  4. There were also numerous layoffs 2 weeks ago. As they consolidated in with about 5 other newspapers on the east coast. If you call to place a classifieds, your likely talking to someone in New Jersey. As the lady I always talked to here each week when I put in an add, let me know she was laid off May 13th, and all calls go to New Jersey.

  5. Used to be the newspaper was "cheaper than toilet paper," but not any more.

  6. You just need to stop reading that rag. I did in 2006 and have not looked at it since. Leave to the people who actually think it is a relevant paper. They do not matter anyway!

  7. Apparently their spiritual and economic guidance comes from Biden, one of the great thinkers of our time.
    It's your patriotic duty to pay higher taxes!!!!!
    I'm sure they had a conference about implying that Hogan is somehow un-American, even treasonous in his tax cutting, but misplaced the thesaurus.
    Big group hug - "Let's run with it!!!"
    This story should be the top post for a coupla days, so no one can avoid seeing the crappy editorial.


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