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Thursday, May 26, 2016

How much money did you earn from April, 2013 to March, 2015?

Out of the 92, only about 5 or 6 are less than $225,000.00. Here's The List of 92 Paychecks Hillary Collected From Wall Street BETWEEN 2013 and 2015!
The media’s going nuts that Hillary Clinton took three big paychecks for three speeches at Goldman Sachs. At $225,000 a pop that’s pretty good scratch – but it’s just the tip of the iceberg.

She’s been very, very busy, raking in millions in a three-year stretch since she left her post as the Secretary of State.
Her defense? It varies from “It’s what they offered me” to the hilarious “I happen to think we need more conversations about what’s going on in the world.” Pricey “conversations” indeed.

Here’s a list of the 92 “conversations” that Clinton has had in just the past three years.
The total: $21.7 million.

She’s been very, very busy. What did Hillary promise in all these Speeches?

What was her advice to Deutche Bank, Cisco and the Council of Insurance Agents? What did she tell

Or the “American Camping Association” and why on earth would the American Camping Association pay $260,000 to hear from

Has she ever been camping?
We may never know because she refuses to tell us.

What Hillary discloses to us peasants is on a “need to know” basis only. And we all know she wouldn't lie.


  1. Hilary camping?

  2. Perfect example of miscarriage of justice is whats taking so long to prosecute Hillary?

  3. NONE of this would be seeing the light of day if it were not for the color of this campaign. This is one difference that the Trump camp has made. NOW if only we could see HIS financial records.

  4. Isn't she special...

  5. Can it be blown up to see the fine print?

  6. 8:28
    I just changed it. See if that helps.

  7. This scares the heck out of me. What has happened to our nation, that all these organizations would spend so much money to listen to this nut.

  8. That sure is a long list of promises isn't it??????????????


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