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Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Hispanics Eager to Punish Donald Trump, GOP

Donald Trump launched his presidential campaign promising to build a border wall to stop illegal immigrants — and Hispanic rights advocates say Republicans will now reap the pain of having him as their party’s nominee.

America’s Voice, a leading immigration advocacy group, said Republicans are facing “a moment of truth.” Other organizations predicted that Hispanic voters will be eager to punish Mr. Trump for his rhetoric and the party as a whole for nominating him.

“The Republican Party is about to run into a force more powerful than their hatred — the power of the love of families and communities standing together,” said Kica Matos, director of immigrant rights at the Center for Community Change.

On the other side are Hispanic Republican leaders who fear exactly what has come to pass. They say Mr. Trump has a lot of work to do even to get Hispanics in his own party to back him up.

“I cannot support him, I cannot campaign for him, I cannot vote for him,” Alfonso Aguilar, executive director of the Latino Partnership for Conservative Principles, told The Washington Times.

“Having said that, I am taking a pause and just seeing how this evolves, and considering all the things that the country is facing, all the things that are at stake in this election I am willing to see if Mr. Trump evolves on a number of issues. I hope that he revises his views on immigration and if that is the case I would be willing to consider reconsidering my position,” he said.



  1. Just wonder if all the workers at the many many Mexican Restaurants in town are legal workers ? Makes you think the next time you use your hard earned money at those establishments !

  2. I would think that those that are here legally would be all for this wall. They took the time to do what was necessary to become legal U.S. Citizens, why should others trampled all over what the few, proud U.S. Mexican citizens have done

  3. 10:41 - good point...with the exception of the legals sending money home to support their non-resident families - they should be fighting to keep their jobs from being taken by illegals!

  4. Chickens coming home to roost.

  5. This is propaganda. The Hispanics I know who immigrated here legally are just as fed up with the lack of enforcement for the waves coming in now.

  6. my wife is a legal immigrant to this country. She learned english, followed the american way, got a job and is demoralized by the amount of money taken out her paycheck to pay for those who are lazy, paid her taxes and cried the day she raised her hand and became an american citizen. one of her most prized possessions is the American flag she got during that citizenship ceremony and still has it to this day. She is a big Trump fan and agrees with him on most of his immigration policies. she is 100% for the wall and will probably volunteer to help build it. She has no problems with other immigrants, as long as they are documented and come in legally. It hurts her to see illegal immigrants yell, scream, speak in tongues and bash everything about America when their first step in this country was completely against the law. Her advise is to quit complaining and go back to their country and do it legally now before Trump becomes President and depots you with a 10 year black mark on your status. Do it right and get the paper then you will have no problem.

  7. 11:58 - exactly right!! Those of us who are American citizens are trying to protect and improve what we love: The United States!!
    We don't hate immigrants! Many of us were immigrants who did it right and legally.


  8. The Hispanics that yammer on about how they can't support Trump, just shows the shortsightedness. A Trump presidency will work to get more jobs in our economy, help the economy recover with basic common sense economics rather than flawed Keynesian spending which since FDR has never worked. It's a shame they buy to big media hype. Legal immigration is not Trump's problem and it's insane this is still an ornament piece for conversations regarding his stance about immigration. He is all for immigrants coming to US legally. The illegals is his problem along with the crime waves that accompany them. People really should go a little deeper into candidates rather than buying the balderdash in 30 second commercials spots.

  9. This is pure propaganda.All those who have earned Citizenship will be glad when the "wall" is built.


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