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Monday, May 23, 2016

Hispanic Conservatives: If Trump Changes His Tone We May Change Our Minds

Hispanic conservatives are saying they might support Donald Trump as the party's presidential nominee, but he'll have to change his tone on immigration.

"If, in the process of unification, he were to seek my support and show he's willing to change his tone and be open to some form of legislation, I would be willing to reconsider my position," Alfonso Aguilar who leads the Latino Partnership for Conservative Principles, told The Hill.

Aguilar's comments were far different than they were in October, when he declared Trump was "done with the Latino community, he's done with the Latino conservatives."

Aguilar, a former White House official under President George W. Bush, further told Fox then that if Trump became the nominee, Latinos would not work to support him, and that would cost him the White House.

But on Friday night, the camps for Trump and likely Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton presented videos for the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, and Trump's film may have changed some minds.

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  1. Nice how left wing media think Hispanics all think alike.

  2. Hispanic conservatives? LEGAL hispanics like Trump, illegal ones don't. Not so much a conservative versus liberal issue like with native born citizens. Illegal aliens are ILLEGAL. Get back behind the wall until you decide to obey our laws.

  3. LEGAL Hispanics will vot Trump.

  4. Why is it they cannot say the word, ILLEGAL? He is NOT against LEGAL immigrants, he and America are against ILLEGALS.


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