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Sunday, May 22, 2016


Bill Clinton planted the seeds of economic destruction

On Sunday, Hillary Clinton told a crowd of supporters in Kentucky she will put her husband in charge of the economy.

“My husband, who I’m going to put in charge of revitalizing the economy, cause you know he knows how to do it,” Clinton said.

According to the establishment and its pundits, the presidency of Bill Clinton was good for the economy. His tax cuts and budget restraint, it is said, were responsible for the booming economy of the 1990s.

In fact, the budget surplus at the time was the result of a stock bubble inflated by the Alan Greenspan and the Federal Reserve.



  1. She doesnt even hear herself. Your husband isnt running, you are.

  2. Yeah right Hillary like he did last time. liquidated Social Security took all the equity balance the budget then tag teamed the bushes back in for further erosion of our fiscal bedrock. Now it's all one big massive debt no cash no equity yeah the clintons fixed it alright

  3. If you fail to see that the problem has been, since Wilson. It has been a consistent erosion of America's fiscal Freedom. With the exception of Kennedy everyone is complicit, and plays along with the bankers and the globalists who seek world domination! the USA is the last Bastion of Freedom that must be eliminated in order to implement a new world order. Donald Trump may be our last hope or is the Antichrist in Disguise. either way, unless we have some divine intervention. I feel this country is pretty much history as a guy like me 56 has known it

  4. Yeah like NAFTA.

  5. Concerned RetireeMay 20, 2016 at 3:14 PM

    Is Bill not the one who put SSI in the general fund taking it out of it's own SSI fund totally separate from the General fund? Is Bill not the one who started taxing SSI checks? This is what I mean when I say the people are followers because this will be an election that destroys everything "We the People" have.

  6. Why would a sane person even want to consider a vote for Hillary if it means a vote for this sexual predator?

  7. The vote to tax Social Security was tied. Bill Clinton then had the President of the Senate, his Vice-President Al Gore cast the deciding vote to make Social Security taxable. Google it!
    Everyone preached the Democrats are for the people. Yea, right.

  8. "...cause you know he knows how to do it,” Clinton said."

    Which means that she doesn't have a clue of how to do it.
    If she could guarantee the economy will do as well as her cattle futures investment, then she might stand a chance.


  9. Bill Clinton, draft dodger and serial philanderer, had a balanced budget for one, perhaps two years. Credit for the achievement belongs to Newt Gingrich and The Contract With America which swept many Republicans into Congress. Clinton could see which way the wind was blowing and was facing the 1996 election.

  10. Yeah like you fixed Bengazi...NOT!!

  11. Don't let them back in the White House! Get everyone you know to vote against them by voting for Trump! We're doomed if Hillary is elected!

  12. No, Hillary, no.
    No, no, no, no, no, no.

  13. she loves her husband due to his loyalty


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