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Friday, May 13, 2016

Harvard Law Professor Says Treat Conservative Christians Like Nazis

Liberals, stop being so defensive. That’s the message of Harvard law professor Mark Tushnet in a new post at Balkinization, titled “Abandoning Defensive Crouch Liberal Constitutionalism.” The problem, according to Tushnet, is that liberals have been too defensive when it comes to advancing their agenda in the courts.

Now that President Barack Obama has reshaped the federal judiciary, liberal causes can win easily in court. And now that Justice Antonin Scalia has died, “judges no longer have to be worried about reversal by the Supreme Court if they take aggressively liberal positions.”

Tushnet blames what he calls the “culture wars” on conservatives, and he says liberals should now make conservatives pay. “The culture wars are over; they lost, we won,” he writes in italics. Tushnet claims that conservatives “had opportunities to reach a cease fire, but rejected them in favor of a scorched earth policy.”

Since when have liberals been defensive? The scorched earth policy has been theirs. They’ve been the aggressors—they’ve been offensive. Conservatives have been defensive.

It seems hard to envision how conservatives could have declared a unilateral cease fire when they weren’t the ones firing in the first place.



  1. The Progressives are the Nazi party.

  2. You are correct 1:52 and with assistance from the media. Really is sad to watch loons claim conservatives are like hitler. Or to listen to them say I liked Mitt Romney, but I was really afraid he is going to take rights away from women. He would not have, but Obama sure is taking rights away from people, but thank god it is just the normal people he is attacking.

  3. He is welcome to my home while I'm cleaning my guns.

  4. You see progressives (code word for communist) now feel more comfortable. For decades they have had their way, and indoctrinated our children in public schools. Who for the most part agree with the consensus of the progressive communist ideals. They have lowered the moral bar to support the relentless attacks on mostly Jesus lovers and GODS chosen. They continue to lie deceive and create great conflict and hostility to reenforce their satanic morality on everyone. So now constitiounalists, patriots, god fearing, old school americans are Nazis? Uh I always thought it was the other way Democratic libtarded progressives are marxists fascists. Similar to Mussolini Hitler, Stalin, Chavez, Mao, Castro, and many many other failures.

  5. 229 why do you make comments like that? It's so ridiculous!

  6. Hard to believe we are in 2016 and still talking about nazis, slavery and some people think the answer is a old white socialist!!


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