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Sunday, May 08, 2016

Governor Requires Food Stamp Recipients to Work 6 Hours a Week, This Happens Immediately After

Food stamp recipients in Maine got a rude awakening when Gov. Paul LePage decided to impose a three-month limit on benefits for able-bodied adults without dependents (Abawds).

Now, before all the raging liberals out there start throwing a hissy fit and talking about how much conservatives hate the poor and all that bleeding heart rhetoric, this limit is only enforced if the “Abawds” refuse to get a job working 20 hours a week, take job training, or volunteer six hours a week.

Guess what happened when this rule was enforced?

Nearly 80 percent of people on welfare were cut off the program because they refused to get a job or volunteer to work six hours a week.



  1. Good about time

  2. Wish we had it enforced here because I see able bodied 20-30 year old males doing nothing but hanging out, walking their pit bulls and talking about their baby mamas all the time, they don't work because their on the streets all day and nite. And also the same ones are arrested over and over again then out doing the same thing. If they have the children they speak of and the baby mamas why can't they support them, be good examples to their parents and their families. The free rides need to stop here in Maryland.

    1. This is enforced in Maryalnd just not in all counties depending on job availability in that particular area.

  3. Wow, 6 hours?!! That's it?

  4. Great, now let me know when MD joins the club

  5. This needs to go Country Wide.

  6. Don't work don't eat. The Bible says so.

  7. Good deal, long over due. Hopefully Maryland will get on board.

  8. This makes no difference. They will still have more than enough food to eat and sell what's left. This because of things like food pantries and soup kitchens. Enabling sinners running these places. They think they are building their own stairway to Heaven but aren't at all. It's a sin to enable those who aren't willing to work and God is not happy with just giving food away and you are NOT going to Heaven for doing it. Hell yes but Heaven NO.

    2 Thessalonians 3:10) For even when we were with you, we would give you this command: If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat.

    1. This is why the Bible and Christian religion have been taken out of our country. If you have these beliefs you aren't enabling them and giving them free everything.

    2. This is why the Bible and Christian religion have been taken out of our country. If you have these beliefs you aren't enabling them and giving them free everything.

  9. This should be enforced everywhere.

  10. this should be a national rollout.

  11. It's pathetic that those same people who have been kicked off the EBT program for preferring not to do 6 hours of honest labor a week are now first in line at the food banks for donated goods that are meant to help people in truly desperate need.

    This whole concept needs to be discussed on a national level. We are being swallowed whole by people who choose not to do their fair share.

  12. Don't agree with most of the content on this site as a socially liberal economically conservative person, but this is something I have been preaching for a long time. Why shouldn't an able-bodied welfare recipient volunteer for at least 30 hours a week?

    We definitely need this in the bury in addition to prosecuting mothers whose babies are born with drugs in his/her system.

    @11:46 Biblical laws are not relevant in our politics. If you want religion incorporated into legal matters move to Saudi Arabia and tell me how much you like Sharia law:)

  13. 2:10. It's obvious reading comprehension isn't relevant in your life. No doubt you are a product of the US public "education" system. I was referring to the food pantries and soup kitchens most of which are run by churches, dopey.
    Next time you think you are going to show off and be cute and clever and chastise make sure you know what you are talking about. Do you understand?
    P.S. You didn't have to tell anyone you are a liberal. Your ignorance and lack of intelligence clued most of us in.

  14. There were no "politics" involved in that comment 2:10. It was in reference to food pantries and soup kitchens. When's the last time they were considered "politics"?

  15. "@11:46 Biblical laws are not relevant in our politics. If you want religion incorporated into legal matters move to Saudi Arabia and tell me how much you like Sharia law:)"

    To me it appears as though the comment was directed toward services which are administered by faith based organizations.

    But......while we are on the topic, then you may want to get on the democrats because they are very fond of and do give tax payers money in the form of grants and outright dollars (many many millions of them) to faith based organizations and churches to be used for feeding the hungry, housing the homeless, etc. The obama admin has even given millions to churches to help w/the refugees.

  16. "Biblical laws are not relevant in our politics"

    What about thou shall not steal, thou shall not kill? The Bible says you must pay taxes. This is just a small sampling of the many Biblical laws that are laws in the Western world.

  17. This sounds all well and fine, except that most of these leeches then end up with some mysterious "disability" that keeps from working and keeps them on the public payroll...

  18. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    This sounds all well and fine, except that most of these leeches then end up with some mysterious "disability" that keeps from working and keeps them on the public payroll...

    May 3, 2016 at 4:19 PM

    there are strict guidelines to be followed to acquire disabled status. but by all means, keep talking through your hat.


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