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Sunday, May 15, 2016

Gov. Larry Hogan signs almost 200 bills into law

ANNAPOLIS, Md. —Gov. Larry Hogan signed almost 200 bills into law Tuesday, including one that expands access to contraceptives for men and women in Maryland.

The new law takes what the Affordable Care Act covers a few steps further, and it also includes birth control for men. Supporters called it "groundbreaking," the most important birth control legislation in more than 30 years.

"Maryland continues to be a trailblazing state in women's health care. We were the first state to mandate contraceptive coverage in 1998, and now, in 2016, Maryland is the first state to legislate the most comprehensive insurance coverage of birth control in the United States," said Karen Nelson, president and CEO of Planned Parenthood of Maryland.

The Contraceptive Equity Act requires insurance companies to cover and completely pay for most types of contraception. It's basically birth control with no out-of-pocket costs, which means that co-pays are banned, whether it's the pill, plan B or vasectomies for men.



  1. I am loving what I just read. Governor Hogan is doing more for Marylanders than we have seen in years. Keep up the great work!

  2. This is a lot of BS. If you want it then that should be a rider that the ones that want it should pay extra. Why should that be included in every ones premium? Thought Hogan was a Republican? Appears Hogan is another Paul Ryan.

  3. What say you conservatives now?

  4. Seems fair. If you want to ban abortion you darn well need to make sure everyone has free access to birth control.

  5. Governments everywhere MUST STOP human reproduction. Somehow. Some way. It must be stopped.

  6. There are certain people who shouldn't breed, period. It's well worth it to pay a few cents more, to prevent another round of lackwits.

    There's some people, I'd willingly donate towards sterilizing.

  7. Just what we need. ANOTHER 200 laws.

    Not doubting some are needed, but how about also removing a hundred or so laws, at the same time??

  8. They all are 3:31PM that is your stupidity and the rest of Maryland, who keeps thinking these people are different, when they never are... They always tell you what you want to hear for your vote, which doesn't even count anyway... Outside of your vote not counting based on what I know, let me ask you this, if illegal aliens can vote, then clearly you should see your vote does not count... The people tasked with making sure votes have integrity said themselves, they cannot 100% anymore say they can make sure there is integrity within voting...

    God you people are stupid... Do research...quit believing in people who are proven lairs and quit thinking any politician will change the good ole boys mentality...

  9. 4:22. When did illegal aliens start voting? Got any actual facts to back you up?

  10. Thanks for the report, Carl. We appreciate the feedback, as you can see by the preceding commenters!

    Hey, do you have an email address that you could post here so we the people could send you our ideas about laws we want abolished or new ones to be made?

    I know, I know, you're off work until January, but rest assured, your bucket will be full by then!

  11. It's cheaper for insurance companies to pay for birth control, than to have unwanted children born and have to pay for maternity care and childbirth and then another 18 years of that child's medical bills.

  12. There is the truth 6:28. way cheaper to pay for prevention than support them for 18yrs.
    The number one common thread to poverty is having a child young.

  13. People all make mistakes .
    One illegitimate child---OK
    the Gov. supports But---
    from then on in-----THE ONES
    Sick & tired of our tax money
    going to support illegitimate
    children for 18 yrs. We can not
    keep this up --- It has to be
    stopped! Government is to blame
    for what it's costing Americans !

  14. 4:06
    Why? For once people need to actually be responsible for the things they do. If you having sex use birth control. I don't care what goes on in your bedroom and I sure as heck don't want to pay for it either. It is not the tax payers responsibility to pay for it.

  15. 8:01
    But if they take away the money they won't vote for them.


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