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Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Google Patent Glues Pedestrians to Self-Driving Cars

Google on Thursday had a fresh US patent for a sticky coating that could be applied to self-driving cars so pedestrians stick instead of bouncing off when hit.

The patent describes a layer of adhesive on a car’s hood, front bumper and possibly front side panels sealed with a coating that, when broken, would bare a gluey surface akin to fly paper modified to catch humans.

“Upon impact with a pedestrian, the coating is broken exposing the adhesive layer,” read patent paperwork dated May 17 and listing the applicant as Google.

“The adhesive bonds the pedestrian to the vehicle so that the pedestrian remains with the vehicle until it stops, and is not thrown from the vehicle, thereby preventing a secondary impact between the pedestrian and the road surface or other object.”

Google reasoned in the patent application that pedestrians hit by cars typically suffer further injury by being knocked or hurled to the pavement or other objects.

More here


  1. Unless it then runs into another care, pole, or wall.

  2. Sounds to me like there a some anticipated deaths from these wonder machines.
    If your self driving car kills someone, who gets charged?
    You weren't driving, Apple or Google was...
    Like I've said before, some serfs HAVE TO DIE in order to make the world a better place.
    Mostly for Apple and Google.
    keep cheering.


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