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Monday, May 23, 2016

George Clooney Time To Put Up or Shut Up

Warning: Strong language


  1. So, if you are a registered Democrat then you support Clooney who supports Clinton. Indeed, if that's the case I would find it difficult to call myself an American.

  2. Clooney is just another liberal a-hole. He knows nothing about anything. And he has more dollars than he has sense.

  3. Don't care what he says he is entertainer and he has done that for me but that's it.


  4. Sorta sad that this George trash even thinks he is relevant. I have never watched anything this old man Hollyweird has been associated with. Never gave any thought that he was anybody. So, as the post says correctly, shut up because you have nothing to put up.

  5. He actually needs to Shut Up - can't stand the loud mouth.


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