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Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Forbes: Remittances to Mexico Worth More Than Double Oil Revenue

The money Mexican workers send home from the United States is Mexico's top source of foreign income and represents more than twice the value of crude oil exports, according to a new report.

A Forbes story quotes José Alfredo Coutiño, Moody's Director for Latin America, as saying the remittances — which have come under fire by presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump — account for a lot of money in Mexico.

"Remittances surpassed crude oil revenues for the first time in history in December of 2014," Coutiño told Forbes. "Since then, remittances have continued to increase even to the point of representing more than twice the value of crude oil exports since December of 2015."

More here


  1. Sounds like the Mexicans are going to pay for the wall and provide the labor. Go Trump!

  2. This was what Trump was talking about. He will cut off that money transfer. Can he do it, yes. Will he do it, yes!

  3. Those people worked hard and earned that money. That money is theirs to do what they want with it.

    1. I worked hard and earned the money that subsidizes them, and pays for the jails and prisons and judicial costs they rack up when they run amok.

      Americans have the right to work hard and earn money, in this country. Not Mexicans!

      They need to go back to Mexico and work hard there, and maybe their country wouldn't be such a sh1thole.

  4. Those people committed a crime so that they could make that money.

  5. You guys are HILARIOUS. You talk all day about "evil socialist Obamas" from the moment the first lady repeated the doctors' advice of "eat your vegetables". Now you are cheering for a president to unilaterally shut down a suite of business transactions. LOL

  6. 5:26 that's correct. Afterall where would the poultry industry, the landscaping industry, and the farming industry be without them? I will give them credit for two things: they ARE willing to work - hence the reason they drove blacks out of the aforementioned jobs AND they do marry their women unlike most of todays society.


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