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Sunday, May 01, 2016

Food Stamps For Crabs


  1. looking at her recent FB pictures, it appears she got the crabs. It's basically whats wrong with america. I work 2 jobs and can't afford crabs and steak but ms Lovingmefirst can use her foodstamps for em. Vote Trump!

  2. If u look at her profile her most recent post is a table full of crabs like wtf

  3. What am I missing, if she can buy food stamps why can't she just buy the crabs. I am not a hood rat on welfare, so someone explain it to me

    1. You can buy like $50 in food stamps for like $25 cash or something like that! You don't pay dollar for dollar! That way they can have cash! You know, for "other" things!

  4. The middle class pays for everything.

  5. If you ever had to sign up for food stamps, they give you waaaay too many! You almost have to share them or buy crabs and lobster just to spend them! If you're used to chicken and burger and pasta and eating on the cheap, you will get overwhelmed when the food stamps start. Buying prime steak cuts helps, too.

    Glad I'm back on my own now, but it was a great short term help when I needed it. I have White Disease, and enjoy working. Thank you, all my customers who I love helping with your projects!

    1. Im glad that you think 2 or 3 hundred dollars a MONTH is way too many. Because my household eats that in a week or two.

    2. Wow I never knew 185 for two people was too many. How do you eat? Because that doesn't get us through the month. And we definetly aren't eating crabs at all.

    3. Perhaps you should try getting a job to afford the rest of your months groceries. Unheard of, I know...

  6. She was asking to buy food stanps sonce some people sell them for 1/2 of what they are worth.

  7. Meanwhile the crabber catching them has to pay self employed tax, sales/title/registration tax, crabbing/fishing licenses. You have to fill out mountains of paperwork telling the state your catch totals and pot locations.
    Why is it that our Government makes it so hard to work, and so easy not to?

    1. I wish there was a huge thumbs up symbol to "like" this comment!

    2. So true comment worthy of a post Joe!

  8. Sick, using the system just as their taught

  9. This is what is wrong with America!!!!

  10. Wow. Just wow. I work 2 jobs. My husband works a full-time job. We have 2 kids and struggle to buy food pay rent and electric. This makes me sick!!!!!

    1. Do you actually think who have jobs don't get stamps..ctfu

    2. Yea I know they do so u stfu. I've filled out paper work and got denied. It's sad to put it out on fb. Wonder if she will be turned in.

    3. It's nobody's fault that you struggle with 2 jobs but yours

  11. so everyone is mad because she's asking to buy foodstamps it's not like she's asking for someone to buy hers people do to much

    1. Are you on food stamps? Because if you had a job and paide taxes, this would piss you off too!

    2. Yessir it would!

    3. Why are you mad that she asking to buy...obviously she has and job and pays taxes if she can't get any

  12. 5:30
    Many will sell their food stamps so they can get the cash to use on what ever. I have no idea how much they get but it is not 10 dollars in foods stamps and 10 dollars in cash. They pay like 10 dollars for 20 dollars in food stamps. The person on food stamps gets the cash and the person for cash gets 20 dollars worth of food.

    1. Sounds like u been buying them lol

    2. I know i have lol i cant get food stamps but if you selling ill pay $50 in cash to get $100 in food.

  13. This will end with trump.

  14. Sounds like some of y'all been buying them yaself you sure kno a lot about how it works lol

    1. Pay $50 in cash to get $100 in food you gotta deal lol

  15. Sounds like some of y'all are just upset that you haven't came across any for y'all self don't bash her for asking something that a lot of others wanted to know

    1. Obama y'all text ,you will go nowhere in life A hole.

    2. Don't worry y'all once trump is in office Y'all will be looking for jobs..)

    3. Lmao I know that is right

    4. Funny.....everyone is so upset about the abuse of the system to buy some crabs but you're supporting trump who abused the system in filing those bankruptcies to avoid paying his debts...which included employee pensions & benefits as well as vendors whose small businesses supplied food services & linens to his hotels & casinos....sounds a lil hypocritical to me

    5. I wish I could like this statement lol. They keep saying it will all end with Trump I don't recall him saying a single speech about food stamps. Actually he hasn't said a single speech with substance at all. All I know is he said Mexico is building a wall and he is deporting people.I'm confused.

    6. You have to listen to a full speech, not what CNN, FOX, or any of the other bought off media tells you he said, or one of the classic jam you up sound bytes that I've seen them do to anyone they want to paint in a negative light. There has got to be a reason that democrats and republicans in power are all united against Trump. At this point you have to admit Obama is in the same boat as Bush and Clinton Monarchies. They're bought off and controlled.

    7. Dang girl you on social media with a fresh warrant? You must be young, lol

  16. that's nothing, years ago i worked a tax season at H&R Block. folks would sit in the waiting area and try to sell their kids ssn's to people to use for earned income credit.

    1. Did you do your job and report or did you buy one of the kids ssn

  17. I got $20 for some stamps

  18. If that's what they wanna do ut it's there business you just mad cauaa you work and can't eat

    1. It is illegal (against the law) to sell your food stamps....I hope she enjoyed the crabs it might be the last ones she has for awhile...after being so stupid to post a picture of herself.

    2. She was asking to buy stamps not sell them if your willing to sell ill buy too

  19. What is really amazing is that people think Trump will get elected and end food stamps. Never going to happen.

  20. 6:01
    Waterman paying taxes!!!
    LMAO !!!!!!

    1. Excuse me but my man is a.waterman and we have so many taxes to pay we can't afford it. So fo

  21. Some of yall on here bashing people for selling and buying food stamps.but the ones that are mainly selling them are these white worthless drug addicts...I had a white man in giants offer to sell me 200 dollars worth of stamps for a hundred dollars or if I knew somebody that he could get drugs from

    1. Yes! Man they just don't know

    2. Yes! It's more white on government assistance than blacks

  22. What big deal is it? Really? Buying food stamps oh well. I buy them too! Everybody can't afford the things they like and if somebody wants to sell their stamps oh well... Y'all make a small thing something BIG! Y'all wanna talk about something talk about how TRUMP is about to ruin our lives.👊

  23. Where is law enforcement on this matter. I'd say this is as illegal as illegal gets. ANY law enforcement officer should be just as outraged at this illegal activity as the rest of us hard working taxpayers providing this service.


    Is there not enough evidence, the new excuse.

    1. People who have job still get stamps

    2. No because I know of a couple law enforcement officers that buy anything from food stamps to black market dvd

    3. I'm a hard working tax payer and I'm not outraged about it. It's called survival. Some people take lemons and make lemonade.

    4. You're going to jail

  24. This is welfare FRAUD. Someone should lose their benefits. Im sure those benefits were for children but when they get free breakfast and lunch at school and can go to the food bank and pantries who needs all that money in food stamps.

    1. No smart guy it is NOT. Welfare is a check, receiving food benefits is an entirely different program!

  25. I see a bunch of negative post and I see some that makes sense. I am a single mother of one I work was working two jobs just last year seven days a week. And I also was receiving food stamps. Is it a crime to receive them no.do some ppl misuse them and make it hard for mothers like me trying to maintain yes. I worked hard for my money earned to be spent in rent, car payment electric house hold items clothes and shoes for my child so I don't always have the extra means to purchase a lot of food items. Don't chastise the ones who are tryin but still get down graded for others doings

    1. I wish I could love this comment

    2. Good for you. It really is a damn shame, that wages are so low that someone has to work multiple jobs just to live indoors, and yet is still poor enough to qualify for food stamps. I have a lot of respect and sympathy for the working poor. I've been there myself, although I was too proud and ashamed to apply for food stamps.

  26. BECAUSE IT'S ILLEGAL, PERIOD. Hey, get this crybabies. My Mother raised FIVE kids. Should we have been on food stamps and welfare, absolutely. However, we were a proud family and we went to work at 13 years old and up. Every paycheck/cash went to mom. We didn't break the law. In fact, we didn't have time to. We mowed lawns. We shoveled snow. We pulled weeds. We did what it took to PROVIDE. Try it, some day you might actually be proud of yourselves. Oh, vote for Trump so we can stop this BS.

    1. Best comment! When Americans had pride and values! Make America GREAT Again!

  27. She gets $500 a month in stamps.

  28. Really good comment Joe.Thanks for sharing.

  29. She gets $500 a month in stamps.

  30. Why not address the underlying issue that it should be criminal to purchase things like crab, lobster, and prime cuts of meat with food stamps?!? They are not going away, but that doesn't mean that the rules can't be changed. Just like drug tests for unemployment. I have no problem with folks who need help, receiving help. I have a problem with them being able to buy more than bare essentials with it. Implement the same rules WIC uses with approved items...

  31. I sick to death about hearing about single mothers that think they have it so rough. This was your own doing. Maybe you should have waited til you got married and were financially stable to have children. Your poor choices in life should not make me have to pay higher taxes.

    1. Maybe the single mother was married but her husband died. Maybe they were financially stable, but lost their jobs due to the economy. Next time you feel the need to comment try having a good point.

    2. 9:37 Exactly. Not every single mother is irresponsible. Funny how a woman is supposed to be a terrible person if she aborts a child she can't afford to raise, but if she has it, she's a terrible person for being a single mother. Meanwhile the man's part in this is ignored.

    3. No not all of them...but most of them.

  32. I'm 66 years old on SS. and I get $16.00 a month and glad to get that. But I do not plan on getting it forever. Just need a little help now.

  33. Well, for those of you who might be wondering just how much of an impact this article has been, look at the top 5 posts of the week. This one is now #3. Nothing will ever surpass #1 but I wouldn't be surprised if it makes it to #2. I hope the States Attorney and Sheriff's Office is paying attention. My guess, they are.

  34. Pull weeds, cut grass, plant people's gardens. It's all out there right now and a "Yooj" market! Get out there and DO something!

    Screw welfare. Get working!!!There are too many jobs out there1

    1. Couldn't have said that any better this should have been the first comment

    2. 8:38 I think you're a bit deluded.

      There are very few jobs out there. However, there are OPPORTUNITIES to make some cash, legally.

      Yes, mow lawns, do landscaping and odd jobs. You just have to be able to underbid Mr. Mexican.

  35. Sub human culture. Not biologically but culturally.

    1. Why don't you say what you really want to say...

  36. How do you buy stamps if they are electronic now?

    1. You are given the card and pin to use buddy, geeesh

  37. When I lost my job, and we got SNAP, we had so much on the card, we were told to buy name brand packaging, best cuts of meat, anything we wanted as long as it was cold from the deli. I was able to take a friend to the store, and buy all of his groceries, and he gave me cash so I could get beer and cigs. The system gives you way too much money on the card.

    1. Or maybe you're lying about how much you dont make and how much you have to pay?? And that's why you got "way too much money on the card." Hm..

  38. The post and comments here are hilarious.I work hard, invested many years of my life to obtain an advanced education, and based off census data I likely earn more than 60% or more of you on this board. I am a black man. I wish my taxes were lower and hate to see waste What's funny is that you guys will see the black woman in this story as an example for the entire black race. Meanwhile as has been mentioned, there are tons of white crack/meth/pill/etc addicts out here selling their stamps, their bodies, stolen goods or whatever to feed their habit. Why is it that in your mind these folks are just tragic isolated cases, despite the vast number of them? But when the shoe is on the black foot, "oh man look at how terrible those coloreds are".? Lol

    1. Sir respectfully I do not see "color" when there is "abuse" of a system. I am a white woman and have worked my whole life and paid for my own kids 100%. Those white druggies you mention should be in jail for selling drugs, food stamps or anything illegal, no one will ever hear me make an excuse for someone's bad choices ...drugs are a choice (sometimes producing a tragic outcome but a choice, nevertheless) and if they violate any law they should pay the price for it. But stealing from the welfare system or selling your food stamps is also a crime (it is against the law) no matter your color ...if someone really needs assistance they should be thankful for what they get and not abuse the same system that has been generous enough to put a roof over their head and food on their table.

    2. Agreed. So perhaps my comment doesn't apply to you. Based off plenty of the other cmoments it surely does apply to many others.

    3. Actually..black people just assume white people think that way. We are well aware of all the liw life worthless ass zombies we have walking around. We just dont care about them. We also dont care about the worthless black trash walking around either. We hate the black and white trash equally. Your people just dont like to admit it.

  39. Couple of comments:

    1. SS benefits of $16/mo at 66? Who are you BSing? You won't get it forever because you will die of old age.
    2. Food stamps (or whatever you call it) The State PAYS to advertise MORE free money if you have another child up to 5 yo. Look at the signs on local buses.
    3. Don't bee too hard on single mothers. Their are so many scums in the schools looking to make more single mothers that it's a society thing. It's called rape in case you forgot.
    4. Please recommend best places to buy food stamps at big discounts so I can get the deals too. Crabs are far too expensive.

    1. She was saying she only got $16 a month in food stamps, not ss benefits.

  40. WOW! ... Just WOW!!!
    How can these people be so ignorant? Oh, yeah...brain farting

  41. I have no problem with people who have paid into the system and then fall on hard times THATS what it's there for ,but it's th a scum who stay on it for 5 10 15 30 yrs and told to there kids how to milk the MANS system.

  42. 9:37
    If the father died the mother would get SSI. If they lost a job get another one. Stop making excuses for these leaches. You are all alike. You want everyone else to foot the bill for your poor decisions. It's not my responsibility to feed, clothe or pay for your kids!

  43. I work a grocery store... It is sickening to see what they buy! Referring to the above comment where she gets 500.00 a month? I have seen them spend over 500.00 and still have 800.00 to spend by the end of the month. Their balance shows on the receipt and they will spend every dime of it or "sell" the food stamps. They are not one bit ashamed that we are paying for their bundles of joy and they keep having more children they can't afford! What happened to morals, values, and self respect. Hell they don't even respect those of us who pay their way! They are entitled to sit on their ass and do nothing. Vote for Trump folks! It's our only hope for change.

  44. I bet she can draw one hell of a stick figure !

  45. Well I work and pay all my bills myself with no help. I have 3 kids that im raising on my own and get food stamps and I don't sell them I use them for my household. Not every person who gets food stamps is not working or don't want to work. Not every person who gets food stamps is lazy or a "leach". Some people need the help and don't abuse the system!!!!!

    1. Not everyone on food stamps is a lazy self-entitled cheat sucking off the system.

      Unfortunately, there are way too many jobs that don't pay enough to actually be able to survive without some sort of assistance. These employers are using "public assistance" as a de facto wage subsidy, just another form of corporate welfare.

      I don't think food stamps should be usable for any junk food, sodas, candy, or pricey seafood.

  46. I am curious how you can sell food stamps when I thought it was actually on a credit card that gets uploaded each month. Also... should it matter what they buy since they only get a certain amount each month? If they buy crabs and steak and lobster they wont have much left for the rest of month.

    1. You are given the card and pin to use

  47. Jami Krayeski said...
    Maybe the single mother was married but her husband died. Maybe they were financially stable, but lost their jobs due to the economy. Next time you feel the need to comment try having a good point.

    April 28, 2016 at 9:37 PM

    Why don't you STFU you white trash. Obviously felt entitled and stole the welfare because you had unprotected sex and didn't know who yo baby daddy was. Get a J.O.B.!

    1. ^^^You're a special kind of stupid aren't you. She presented perfectly valid situations, but since they don't fit your narrative, you resort to name-calling, cursing, and ASSumptions. Talk your sh*t to a spouse who lost their husband/wife to a drunk driver, or cancer, or who died in the line of duty. Talk to the ex-spouse who left a marriage because of abuse - spousal, child, drug, or alcohol. If you want to talk smack, you should direct your anger against the opposing parent that the state spends thousands of YOUR tax dollars tracking down for support. If they met their burden, yours would certainly be less, no? I guess you live in such a perfect world that none of that stuff happens anywhere in your family tree. Cretin....look it up. And catch a ride to the current century.

  48. JoeAlbero said...
    Where is law enforcement on this matter. I'd say this is as illegal as illegal gets. ANY law enforcement officer should be just as outraged at this illegal activity as the rest of us hard working taxpayers providing this service.


    Is there not enough evidence, the new excuse.

    April 28, 2016 at 7:56 PM

    Yes as in Matty Boi failing to press charges on those Black Thugs at SU. If he doesn't want to be a prosecutor then How in the Hell does he expect to be a Judge. I say screw him and give the Judgeship to MJ Caldwell where is should go.

  49. Kienda Murry said...
    I'm a hard working tax payer and I'm not outraged about it. It's called survival. Some people take lemons and make lemonade.

    April 29, 2016 at 12:01 AM

    No Ms. Thugette with 6 different Baby Daddy it's called stealing.

    Eating crabs for free on fraudulently obtained EBT cards is a federal offense.

    You black people are still hoping for your 40 acres and a mule. To bad! Get a job, get married and when you can afford it start a family. If you can't afford it keep your damn legs closed.

  50. Kienda Murry said...
    I'm a hard working tax payer and I'm not outraged about it. It's called survival. Some people take lemons and make lemonade.

    April 29, 2016 at 12:01 AM

    Yep, Kiendra knows all about "Survival." Her a$$ has been in jail numerous times for theft and this is a big one. From $10,000 to $100,000. You are a hard worker my a$$!!
    You've got a Warrant out for your arrest now you Thief!!


    Case Information
    Case Type: CRIMINAL
    Document Type: WARRANTIssued Date:02/01/2016
    Case Status: ACTIVE

    Defendant Information

    Defendant Name: MURRY, KIENDA M
    Sex: FHeight:503Weight:200DOB:03/11/1979
    Address: 748 NORTHROP LN
    City: MIDDLE RIVERState:MDZip Code:21220 - 0000
    Court Scheduling Information

    Trial Date: 05/25/2016Trial Time:08:30 AMRoom:02
    Trial Type:

    Charge and Disposition Information

    (Each Charge is listed separately. The disposition is listed below the Charge)
    Charge No: 001Description:THEFT:$10,000 TO UND $100,000
    Statute: CR.7.104Description:THEFT:$10,000 TO UND $100,000
    Incident Date From: 01/22/2013 To: 02/10/2015 Victim Age:

    1. Wow!!! Really!! Your such a clown for that!!

    2. Bahahs..people are sooooo stupid. It is sad. Oh. .let me run my mouth using my name with an arrest warrant so the poloce can immediately come pick me up. What a dumb b12ch

  51. Kienda Murry said...
    I'm a hard working tax payer and I'm not outraged about it. It's called survival. Some people take lemons and make lemonade.

    April 29, 2016 at 12:01 AM

    Hey Kiendra does Thanielle K. Cottman think you are a hard working tax payer!! LMAO

  52. I had people come up to me at walmart and try to sell them for cash!!! I seen people buy cigarettes at 711 on foodstamps and it get ran in at a deil item here in salisbury shaddy goes down

  53. Most of y'all in here don't even pay taxes and stay screaming, my tax money this,tax money that.And I'm sure someone in your family gets benefits or has before. Who cares!I have had help before,ate plenty if crabs,but I now also have 2 children in college, my own business and blah,blah,blah,and if I want lavish food,I just buy it!Damn!!!And I don't need to buy food stamps to do so! But you can't judge all,just by a few who don't know anything but they have already been taught!Who cares!!!!!

    1. With your language on her your obviously a Obama lover and to think you have 2 children i bet they love welfare also damn scary.

  54. Pretty simple explanation, Food Stamps for Drugs. It's happening all over Delmarva. Food Stamps have help fuel the drug trafficking.

  55. 7:34 AM I would be interested in knowing what your business is so that I never accidently patronize it

  56. Exactly why I don't buy jack squat from Fat boys or skipjacks.

  57. There is ONE investigator for three counties Joe it is a joke. If you ever talk to him he will tell you the former liberal regime did not want arrest. I have seen these people with three different list when shopping. It is obvious when the cart is full of high dollar meats.

    The system is broken we need ware houses and there should be voucher system and photo i.d. It would also create jobs. The kids suffer when baby momma spends all the money on dope and weaves. TRUMP in 16 !!!

  58. Why is this women not been locked up for fraud I have screen shot of her with crabs before she toke the pictures down

  59. 12:05am, thank you. that is what I meant.

  60. No one has mentioned that this takes from the mouths of children. I've come across this very issue within my family. Yes, they are being sold for drugs and at the end of the day the children of these irresponsible parents are going without. I've complain to Social Services many times. I wish it was more controlled for the sake of the children.

  61. Instead of having cops trying to catch someone selling beer to an underage cadet, why don't they send those underage cadets to work undercover at the grocery store to catch these "thieves" who are selling food stamps or buying unsuitable items with them? That would save the taxpayers some money and pay for their police salary.

  62. I see she must have gotten worried. She changed her fb up so you don't see the crab feast. As I look I notice that profile pic, will he/she be using the transgender bathroom?

  63. Here's a thought! Maybe post a list of the places accepting Food Stamps for Crabs! I have no problem not buying from companies that actually do this! These seafood places don't sell groceries they need to accept food stamps for anything! Step up and help fix the problem

  64. I would love to buy crabs but I can't afford them and don't qualify for an EBT card. What's up with that? I don't think my tax dollars should go towards crabs or candy. The other day, I was at Dollar General and watched a woman with a heavy set child buying $10 worth of candy, whipping out her Orange EBT card to pay for the lot. All I could do was shake my head.

  65. Social services only do DNA Daddy testing for one name provided by the mother. This allows the baby moma to pick someone that won't test positive to be the baby daddy which leaves taxpayers to pay.


  66. Well I work and pay all my bills myself with no help. I have 3 kids that im raising on my own and get food stamps and I don't sell them I use them for my household. Not every person who gets food stamps is not working or don't want to work. Not every person who gets food stamps is lazy or a "leach". Some people need the help and don't abuse the system!!!!!

    Sorry you have to get assistance, hope things get better for you and yours.

    Only thing that I don't understand is that you pay all your bills yourself and advise you receive stamps (maybe you can explain)

    1. You're missing the point. It's not about getting food stamps. It's about paying for expensive food items like Crabs. Taxpayers don't pay for people to buy crabs. Basic food items are perfectly fine but expensive seafood that even working folks not receiving food stamps can't afford is a kick in the face.


  67. I'm with former Gov Huckabee on this topic. Let the church, family and community help the needy. I help people that need a jump start, without telling anyone. If you are able to loan a friend or family some money, figure it a gift and if you get it back, a plus.The government is into so much that we could reference that forever.

    What I would like to know, is if there are any limitations for the use of these said cards. I wouldn't agree, but if there are no rules as to the use we can't complain.

    Also, what qualifies a person to receive assistance? I have heard of people needing help and not able to get it and visa versa. As I said, heard, nothing factual.

    Don't forget, this is just small time to what the government (tax payers) fork out. How many programs are being abused?

    Sad :(

  68. This is your future people if you continue to vote democrats into office.

  69. there should be a place like a farmers market or the civic center where us white folks can buy these stamps for 50 on the dollar. if we do it at the civic center everybodys happy. the whites can now afford crabs at skipjacks and the blacks can purchase what they need on church st

  70. As long as people can live comfortable on the tax payer dime they will never want to get off of it.

  71. The only way i would enter skipjacks anymore would be with a sidearm in one hand and a county club in da other.
    I axed this one black dude at work what was his favorite seafood there and he said anything that swims.

  72. Thanks whitie! Now get back to work.


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