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Tuesday, May 03, 2016

Fearing Immigrants, Minorities, Town Turns Down 1,100 Jobs

Fear of immigrant and minority workers was one of the primary reasons the tiny Nebraska town of Nickerson, population 400, turned down the offer of a new $300 million chicken processing plant and its 1,100 jobs, reported The Associated Press.

Regional economic development officials thought Nickerson was the perfect spot for the plant. When plans leaked out, though, there was no celebration, only furious opposition.

Residents packed a meeting at the fire hall to complain the roads couldn't handle the truck traffic, the stench from the plant would be unbearable and immigrants, minorities and out-of-towners would flood the area, overwhelming schools and changing the town's character.

"Everyone was against it," said Jackie Ladd, who has lived there for more than 30 years. "How many jobs would it mean for people here? Not many."

The village board unanimously voted against the proposed plant, and two weeks later, the company said they'd take their plant — and money — elsewhere.

More here


  1. I don't blame them. Those plants need to be isolated, monitored and highly regulated. Even without the undesirables mentioned, there are still the low educated, troublesome and rednecks they would have to contend with just like we do around here.

    I know that will 'ruffle a few feathers' from folks here but it's the plain truth, not mean spirited insults.

  2. Georgia doesn't want any more Lincoln poultry plants? lol

  3. Very smart people in the town of Nickerson, Nebraska.

  4. I agree. If it's 1100 jobs, that's minimum 2,000 people moving there, including family members. And it would only continue to overrun the area, as people quit or were fired, yet staying in the area. Not to mention the aforementioned population's disdain for birth control.

    It's not the "immigrants and minorities" that the town doesn't want, it's the crime, dependence on welfare and charity, overcrowding, demands for special rights, racism, and cultural suppression they rightly rejected.

  5. Be nice if these chicken plants were monitored more, especially the discharge of particulates into the air. Processing plants are not supposed to have smells coming from them like these do.

  6. now that was a good decision


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