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Monday, May 16, 2016

EPIC ! Candidate Donald Trump Just Trolled The Entire Mainstream U.S. Media…

LOLOL. Talk about three-dimensional media chess, and owning the new cycle. This guy is an epic candidate.

The person who leaked the 25-year-old “audio tape” to the Washington Post was…. wait for it,…. Donald Trump:


  1. Kelly made an A$$ of herself and continues to do so. She is fabricating her exchange with TRUMP. She doesn't understand we ALL watched it and know her take on it is a LIE!!! Trying to paint herself in a good light. TOO LATE!!!

  2. Kelly is from a small town in upstate ny she married into big money twice and never did much of anything with her law degree. Now she is becoming famous on trumps name.


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