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Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Did Trump Make Megyn Kelly Cry?

Did Donald Trump make Megyn Kelly cry? It sure sounds like it. Via the Daily Beast:

Now that Megyn Kelly has agreed to a cease-fire with Donald Trump—who is appearing on the May 17 debut of her Fox Television network series, Megyn Kelly Presents—she is admitting to have been a little rattled by the presumptive Republican presidential nominee’s relentless attacks on her.

“I’m a normal person,” the Fox News star told Kelly Ripa and Michael Strahan on Monday’s edition of Live! with Kelly and Michael—dismissing Ripa’s assertion that she’s unflappable and fearless. “I don’t think it’s true of anybody. I cry. I have fear. Of course it’s been a difficult year. Thank God I have him [her husband, novelist Douglas Brunt] and I have my three loveys [their three young children] who ground me and get me through everything in life.”

Kelly, who said she takes her cue on pushing through fear and adopting the Nike slogan “Just do it” from Navy Seals she’s spoken with, added: “I tell the gals on my team, ‘Keep your head down, shoulders back, forge ahead,” and push through the moment…Next time, it’s easier.”

Source: AAN Video


  1. And if he did make her cry does that make him some kind of hero? He should have just answered the question, but when you don't have an answer the easiest and most cowardly thing to do is to attack the question and the person asking it. I will by no other choice have to vote for "Trump the idiot" but I will never condone his attacks on other people. He has no depth...just one liners.

  2. 7:02-We'll soon find out how much depth he has.The 5th is not a debate option,but in the event of a ridiculous question or a gotcha it should be.In that specific debate Trump already knew about the personal issues that his co candidates had,but for some unknown reason it was all about HIS issues.Fair is fair,and with an entire stage full from end to end we now know that the rest had excessive baggage as well.

  3. I watch Kelly and believe she speaks for the people, and relays the news as is.

  4. He certainly made her cut off her hair.

    Now she looks like a little boy.

    But he can't call her a bimbo any longer.


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