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Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Dick Morris: Bill Clinton Wrong on Poland and Hungary

Former president Bill Clinton's outrageous statement that Poland and Hungary have decided that democracy "is too much trouble" and want to embrace "authoritarian" and "Putin-style leadership" to keep the "foreigners out," is totally inaccurate and reflects a European Union-centric view of the Continent that is, itself, inimical to democracy.

The truth is that both of these nations are vibrant multi-party democracies that value, above all, their freedom and their right to vote. The peoples of both countries have suffered mightily losing vast proportions of their population in wars to become free. Excluding Jews sent to the camps, Poland lost 2.7 million of its citizens in World War II. Hungary suffered 3,000 deaths in its 1956 revolution and 200,000 of its people fled the country, a considerable sacrifice for freedom that Bill Clinton should not have minimized.

To say that they find democracy "too much trouble" belies their regular schedule of free, contested, high turnout elections that often result in peaceful and orderly changes in government.

What Poland and Hungary do want – and Hillary and Bill are about to find out that Americans do to – is to control Muslim in-migration so that the problems of terrorism, crime, and the infiltration of Sharia Law do not come to haunt their two nations as they now do the rest of Western Europe.


1 comment:

  1. FYI, our Country is built as a REPUBLIC, not a democracy. The Clintons don't even understand our basic Constitution.


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