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Thursday, May 26, 2016

Curing Our Coast: Community Rallies Together To Talk Drug Addiction; New Group Pledges To Remain Active With Sharp Focus

BERLIN — A community coming to grips with the harsh realities of heroin and opiate addiction came together in a big way on Tuesday night and became local warriors fighting side by side against America’s greatest epidemic.

“I don’t want to hear about one more child dying from heroin abuse,” said Jackie Ball, one of the lead organizers of the Worcester County Warriors Against Opiate Addiction group, “and no one else in this room does either.”

In just the group’s second official meeting, around 200 people packed into the OC Worship Center just outside Berlin to listen, to learn, to talk and to lean on one another.

There were many tears. There were long and heartfelt hugs. There were bone chilling personal stories from audience members, and there were former addicts in the crowd who stood up as a living testimony that there is hope and the disease of addiction does have a cure.

“I have been in those shoes before,” said Corey Hassett, a former heroin addict from the area who is now a counselor in Florida for Amethyst Recovery Center. “My parents were completely blind to the treatment options available here for their son who was shooting heroin in their basement.”

Yet, if making people realize the entire scope of this terrifying issue was the goal of this gathering, it was as comprehensive as it was inspiring as representatives from all corners of the county took turns on the microphone loudly proclaiming their intent and their role in stopping the spread of heroin addiction in our community.



  1. Dave T: It's good to see people coming together in an effort to combat this ugly problem. The only issue I see here is that our own government, particularly the idiot who thinks himself a real president, is not convinced there is a problem and is actually working overtime to release some of the offenders who have contributed in large part to this crisis.

  2. Stop liberal cities from ocean dumping.

  3. 11:29
    You act like there wouldn't be heroin without dealers. How short-sighted are you?


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