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Friday, May 06, 2016

Cruz Pulling An Old Reagan Move


  1. Cruz is no Reagan!!! Good luck with that!!!

  2. Closest thing to Reagan we will ever see again. Ill vote for Trump but people need to realize he really is not HUGELY different than the Clinton's. As it stands our choice will be between Clinton and Clinton donor. Now I need to wish another four years away!

  3. I am repeating comments here, but it needs to be repeated...Cruz is no Reagan, never will be. President Trump will win by a landslide...

  4. Concerned RetireeMay 6, 2016 at 1:14 PM

    This is why Ryan is not backing Trump. Cruz the manipulator.

  5. I notice that "other guy" running said the same thing. That he was suspending his campaign. I guess he is not dropping out either. God doesn't like liars and cheaters.


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