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Monday, May 02, 2016


Salisbury, MD… Wicomico County Executive Bob Culver is pleased to announce that the overhaul is complete and the Whitehaven Ferry will be operational effective 7:00 AM, Tuesday, May 3, 2016. For updates and further information please contact the Ferry Hotline at 410-543-2756. The County Executive wishes to thank everyone for their patience.


  1. They need to close both ferry's and build a bridge.

  2. We can't even get money to pave our sorry roads. Where do you expect to get it to build a bridge?

  3. You have no idea how much it would cost to build just one bridge let alone two that would be high enough for the boat traffic or it would need to be a draw bridges that are manned 24hrs a day. Move closer to work or drive around.

  4. shouldn't have given so much to sheriff's department FOP contract. Put money back into the county infrastructure. They make good money.

  5. They can never build bridges at those sites-the approaches of both ferries run thru wetlands.No permits would ever be issued to build a bridge.

  6. Anonymous said...
    shouldn't have given so much to sheriff's department FOP contract. Put money back into the county infrastructure. They make good money.

    May 2, 2016 at 7:58 PM

    That ain't gonna happen. The WCSO including it's sheriff Supported Culver so he owes them. As a matter of fact Mike Lewis gave Culver his $500 check that was given to him by the Wicomico Republican Club. Bob is owned by them.

  7. Then how did they build the Hyatt 20 feet from the water in Cambridge? The Vienna bridge? The Bypass crosses wetlands. They can do whatever they want. Us taxpayers must put in sprinklers even in a waterfront home that has unlimited supply of water for the fire dept.

    1. A sprinkler is instant and can stop the spread of fire causing more damage in the time it takes for the fire department to get there. Think much?

  8. Yes I do. I thought about it and built my new home in FL on water w/o a sprinkler. Tax dollars lost in MD. Sprinklers in rural areas that are on well water and lose electric in the winter when pipes are prone to freeze is just plain stupid.


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