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Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Children ‘Being Influenced by a Culture That Is Perverting Them’

Dr. James Dobson, founder of Focus on the Family, told those gathered in Washington, D.C., in observance of the National Day of Prayer on Thursday, that the most important thing he prays for is the children, who have been influenced by the LGBT agenda.

“If I had to list the most important thing for me to pray about today, that would outrank everything else, it would be to pray for the children, because the children of this country and many places around the world are in danger, and their world has changed,” said Dobson.

Dobson left Focus on the Family in 2010 and that same year founded Family Talk, a Christian non-profit organization that “promotes and teaches biblical principles that support marriage, family, and child-development.”



  1. Duh what do you think public schools universities and some churches have been doing for decades. We reep what we sew. I pray he is gentle with his wrath.

  2. Dr. Dobson has been a great voice for family issues for many years. His advice is always based on God's principles, tried and true. And he was the only one Ted Bundy would talk to in prison before his execution concerning the dangers of pornography.

  3. I have a message for Dr. Dobson: Don't worry, the LGBT agenda will never make all the children, or even most of the children, gay, or queer, or whatever is feared. The vast majority of children will follow their biological INSTINCTS, and not the mental defects of homosexuality and gender confusion. It is in their genes to act normally, and not become a part of the LGBT community. Biology will prevail. It's science.


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