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Tuesday, May 10, 2016

BREAKING: MSP Calls In Trooper 4

Trooper 4 is in the air heading to the Nanticoke Rd. looking for a subject who fled. Suspect fled into the woods behind a car repair shop. The WCSO is also on the scene with a K-9 getting ready to track the suspect.

More to come...

UPDATE: Trooper 4 has only 10 minutes of fuel left. They are returning to hanger. Subject has not been found yet. 

The DEA is somehow involved.


  1. Maybe it's Jim IRETON looking for his votes.

  2. Robo Call from Westside Primary School

    Good morning Westside families, this is Kris Gosnell, calling with an important update. Due to a police involved issue in the community, Westside Primary School is currently on a safe in place mode. This means that we are all safely locked in our respective areas, with no visitors or students permitted to enter or leave the building. Please know that we are fine and all measures will be taken to ensure that we remain safe during this situation. We will remain on a safe in place mode until notified by the authorities that there is no potential risk within the community. While we do not know how long this may last, you will be notified via this messenger system as soon as we return to normal operating procedures.
    Thank you

    Nothing on WCBOE or Westside Primary School Web page as of yet

  3. No word on what's going on? They are stopping cars in that area like crazy!

    1. Illegal! And a violation of rights to stop people randomly over a subject that's fled.

  4. 11;28 AM is correct and it is related to this event.

  5. Does anyone know if this person has been caught?

  6. Seriously, 5:18??? You're going to get your feathers ruffled because officers are stopping vehicles while attempting to apprehend a convict on the loose? You think you could put your precious "rights" aside temporarily under the circumstances, or do you prefer criminals roaming our neighborhoods? Grow up!

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Illegal! And a violation of rights to stop people randomly over a subject that's fled.

    May 10, 2016 at 5:18 PM

    Not if they stop EVERY vehicle.

    and 1158, no, he should not put aside his rights temporarily or any other time. They are indeed precious and clowns like you help erode them.

    Hitler once suspended citizens rights. How did that work out?

  8. Any update on this situation? What happened or who they were looking for?

  9. Okay 1:35,

    First of all, this "clown" (as you call me) happens to be a strict constructionist when it comes to the Constitution, and about as politically conservative as you can get. So, I agree with you wholeheartedly that our individual rights are indeed precious.

    Secondly, the reason I originally placed the term "rights" in quotations is because the Forth Amendment (to which I assume you and 5:18 refer) does not guarantee your right NOT to be stopped by the police. It guards against "UNREASONABLE (keyword) search and seizure."

    Thirdly, and I quote, "the Supreme Court has already ruled that law enforcement agencies can use roadblocks to help solve specific crimes. For example, in Illinois v. Lidster, the Court held that a police checkpoint for the purpose of gaining information about a hit-and-run accident that occurred at the same location and time of night as the checkpoint was a permissible activity."

    Finally, let's be reasonable by keeping this in perspective... the reasons police were stopping vehicles in this case were to inform the occupants of a potentially dangerous situation in the area and to ensure that the passengers of the vehicles were not in eminent danger (with the criminal inside the vehicle). So, the purpose was to ensure the safety of the occupants (public) and, hopefully, capture a suspect in the process -- NOT TO INFRINGE UPON ANYBODY'S RIGHTS!

    I live very close to this area off Nanticoke Road. I would not have felt the least bit "violated" had I been stopped by the police -- on the contrary, I would have felt appreciative, as I'm sure other residents would!

    Your sort of knee-jerk overreaction does not bode well for those of us who cherish our individual rights, yet strive for a sensible balance whereby our rights remain uninfringed while law enforcement officers are allowed to effectively perform their duties for our benefit.

  10. What ended up happening with this situation? Anyone know? We all know WBOC, WMDT and the Daily Mistake isn't going to say anything because they'd actually have to leave their desks for 10 minutes. So does anyone know the outcome here are is this perp still at large?


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