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Tuesday, May 24, 2016

BREAKING: Bill to Stand Trial for Sexual Assualt

Today, American Action News has learned that Bill Cosby will stand trial on three felony counts of sexual assault stemming from a 2004 incident involving a woman named Andrea Constand. 

Constand was an employee at Cosby's alma mater, Temple University. 

If convicted, Cosby could serve up to 10 years in prison. 

American Action News has reached out the the Hillary Clinton campaign to see if they have any comment given the similar allegations surrounding her husband, Bill Clinton. 

The Clinton campaign has not responded to the request.

Source: American Action News


  1. To the Idiot who keeps sending in comments asking if this is Bill Clinton or Bill Cosby, READ you Idiot.

  2. Maybe because when the post first went up it had a picture of Bill Clinton with the headline.

  3. Good long overdue!

  4. It is about time!!! Even his own wife turned a blind eye. The truth will surface. It is sad that someone who was so loved had to end up being such a huge disappointment. These women deserve to be heard once and for all. Too much smoke for there to be no fire.


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