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Saturday, May 21, 2016

Boardwalk trash truck plugs in and cleans up

The green vehicle revolution came to Ocean City last week when the Department of Public Works rolled out the new all-electric trash truck that will run the Boardwalk collection route from the inlet to 4th Street.

The Vantage EVX1000 electric extended bed truck was approved for purchase, at a cost of $24,000, by the City Council in early March, after public works got an extra $100,000 from the sale of several pieces of heavy equipment. In addition to the trash truck, the cash from those sales went to procure a new vehicle for the city manager at a cost of $30,500 and a new $44,000vehicle for the EMS division.

Public works wanted the new truck so it could increase daily pickups of the more than 280 decorative trashcans on the Boardwalk.

“Until this year we’ve only run one truck,” said Thomas Dy, Ocean City maintenance manager. “We’re adding on so we can keep up with the demand.”



  1. So, they got a gulf cart for twice the price of a much larger pickup truck that runs on gas. I wonder if the person that decided this was the same that gave the Town soda contract to Coke right after signing the DEW contract.

    Makes you wonder sometimes.

  2. Triple the electric bill to charge or maybe long cord to off shore wind mill.

  3. This is NOT any cleaner than a gas truck. Every time they plug it in to charge it, the smoke plume from the power plant gets bigger. In fact, it may pollute more.


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