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Thursday, May 19, 2016

Black Leaders Trash Obama's Transgender Agenda

Black Americans are sick and tired of being used as a tool to advance the radical gay and transgender agenda, and they have a message for President Obama: knock it off!

Conservative black leaders have criticized the Obama administration's comparison of North Carolina's transgender law to Jim Crow edicts, saying it trivializes the importance of the civil rights movement, Christian Post Politics reports.

When the Justice Department last week filed a lawsuit against North Carolina for its law requiring people to use bathrooms in government buildings that match their birth sex, Attorney General Loretta Lynch said: "This is not the first time that we have seen discriminatory responses to historic moments of progress for our nation. We saw it in the Jim Crow laws that followed the Emancipation Proclamation.

The comparisons were too much for some to take. Project 21, a nationwide group of black conservative leaders, issued a statement saying they disagreed with opposition to the North Carolina law itself, but were even more outraged by the analogy.

Project 21 member Nadra Enzi said that "as a Black Southern man who grew up fighting what I call 'Jim Crow-lite' in the 1970s-1980s, in Savannah, Georgia… I find the ridiculous transgender/civil rights movement comparison insulting and disrespectful.

"Middle-and upper-income whites in search of artificial oppressed person status can do so without using our history to prop up delusional defenses.

Another member, Derryck Green, said: "Attaching this insanity to the legacy of civil rights… trivializes everything the brave men and women experienced and sacrificed in the pursuit of social, economic and legal equality…", while Christopher Arps added that "Civil rights champions were not spat upon, beaten with police batons and sometimes murdered for the right of men to go to the same restroom with little girls.

Source: AAN


  1. The current attorney general is as stupid and biased as her predecessor and her boss.

    Jim Crow laws were passed by Democrats in states they controlled after Reconstruction faltered.

    The KKK was started by Democrats. Former Democrat senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia had a leadership role in it.

    The first Republican president, Abraham Lincoln, freed the slaves. He was considered a talented lawyer; we can't same the same about Loretta Lynch.

  2. Typical of everything the "Anointed One" has done since taking office.

  3. I do not want to hear their complaints now. They put this anti-American Marxist/Muslim in office. They should just suck it up and revel in their destruction of the United States.

  4. If they are sick and tired of the anti-American Muslim in office, they need to vote Trump in the coming election and see things change for the better in this country. If they vote for the Democrat they are going to see more of the same and it will get worse. Vote Trump!

  5. I am with 6:08. They got what they wanted - twice. We saw the damage that was coming our way in 2007 and 2008. They did not. Shut your mouths and just vote republican.

  6. If you want more of the same, only scarier, vote Hillary.

  7. @8:22 AM 'shut your mouth and vote republican' that's real murican of you. Disregard the 1st amendment when it doesn't cater to your perspectives right

    By the way the last republican president did such a great job /s

    Although none of the candidates are ideal, Bernie Sanders is the least fake and is very consistent.


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