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Sunday, May 08, 2016

Benghazi Bombshell Release

New emails recently obtained by Judicial Watch show a coordinated effort that goes all the way up the chain of command to the White House. The plan? To deliberately mislead the American public about the reasons for the Benghazi attacks in an effort to cover up for the total intelligence failure of the Obama administration, and especially Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. As Fox reports:

Catherine Herridge reported some new developments in the investigation into the Sept. 2012Benghazi attack, including the release of documents that lead directly to the White House. Among the documents, obtained by Judicial Watch through a FOIA request, is an email from senior White House adviser Ben Rhodes to other top administration officials, including Press Secretary Jay Carney.

Under the subject "prep call with Susan," Rhodes wrote that the goal for Rice's appearances on Sunday talk shows would be "to underscore that these protests are rooted in an Internet video, and not a broader failure or policy.”

The message was sent three days after the attacks, which left four Americans dead at a U.S. consulate and nearby CIA annex in Benghazi, Libya.

Days later, Rice would go on numerous Sunday news programs, including on Fox News Sunday, to falsely assert that the Benghazi attack was spontaneous and occurred during a protest over an anti-Islam video. Since that time, the White House has come under fierce criticism from Republicans, who allege that the administration altered the CIA's talking points about how the Benghazi attack unfolded.

Source: AAN


  1. Oh my,this changes everything...not.

  2. I have several friends who are conspiracy theorists. They tried and tried to tell me about this event but I knew full well that our government wouldn't do such a thing.

    Now, I am speechless. I still cannot believe what I am reading.

  3. Is anyone really surprised?

  4. Who didn't know that....all was needed was the smoking pen

  5. Trump will do something about it

  6. Our government lies to its people as a habit that no one in government really wants to break.

  7. How can anyone vote for Hillary when she came out saying it was a video knowing it was not that's incompetent.

  8. Meaning that the illegal alien POSPOTUS participated!

  9. People such as the Clintons, Obamas, Pelosi, Shumer and so on are different from most Americans. They have a deep rooted need to be the one everyone else must watch as they walk into a room. They feel some sort of depraved pleasure knowing that all others are not their equal. They have loyalty only to themselves and not to any other person or country.
    We knew who these people were in school and we know who they are at work and social circles. One characteristic they all share is they can't be trusted.

  10. Since 1978 I have read of criminal acts of Hillary. Each breaking news scoop ends by "she is going to serve time". Here it is now 2016, she is running for President. with no arrest or charges in sight. That Brazen Bitch has gotten away, with so much for so long do you think she is worried with what the investigators find..

  11. Nothing has changed. Obama's daughter flunks out of high school after 8 years of taxpayer funded vacations

    We are being told that she is taking a gap year. What a crock

  12. crooked administration, CROOKED Hillary...

  13. It should be obvious to everyone why the establishment, both republican and democrat are anti Trump. Because they're going to prison!

  14. Must of us that still use our own brains knew this was the case on the second day. Stupid is and Stupid does. You have to be pretty dense for it come to this before you believe the government was hiding information.


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