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Thursday, May 12, 2016

An easy A? Under new rules, these high school students could see grades soar

Maryland’s largest school system just made it easier for high school students to get A’s.

Just months after deciding to eliminate traditional final exams, Montgomery County has announced significant changes to its method of calculating grades starting in the 2016-2017 school year, most notably that final course grades will be rounded up after a student’s two quarterly grades are averaged. If a student gets, say, an A for the first quarter in geometry and then a B for the second quarter, the student’s semester course grade would be an A. If a student gets an A in one quarter and then a D in the next quarter, they would end up with a B.

The move is a departure from the county’s previous grading scheme, which generally relied on a student’s two quarter grades and a final exam grade. When a course had no final, the grading trendline prevailed, so that if students slumped from an A in one quarter to a B in the next, their semester grade fell to a B. No longer.



  1. This is all to get thugs to graduate.

  2. What the he'll is going on with this country? ? thanks Obama dumbing down students.

  3. 9:48 They were already dumb, but Obama wants to find some way to reward them yet again.

  4. This is all designed to get more "minorities" to graduate. And the "minority leaders" are all praising it. Goes to show just how stupid they are. The "minorities" still won't get jobs and get ahead because while the "minorties" themselves still have IQ's somewhere in the moron/imbecile/idiot range employers know exactly what is going on.
    Keep it up is all I can say. The "minorities" will continue to sink deeper and deeper into the cess pools of crime and poverty and their young will continue to kill each other off in record numbers UNTIL they decide to start using their heads and stop this nonsense.

  5. Every participant gets an award.

    Good part is that a good interviewer for an open job can usually tell if the candidates education is real or paper - like these will soon become for a lot of thugs!

  6. This is truly disturbing! As mentioned earlier, we are continually dumbing down. We should be, in fact, working harder to smarten up the students in this country. Politicians, parents, and the board of education are NOT working to provide our children with the tools they so desperately need to succeed in this country. Reading, writing, and math (not common core!) need to be stressed; history (true history) would also be nice. The children today will NEVER be able to play Jeopardy!, they just won't have the skills, or enough brain activity to handle the game.

  7. When one can't be convinced to strive for excellence, and will soon be released from juvenile detention (that would be "school") without the ability to read above the 3rd grade level, write a sentence, fill out a job application, or spell his own name (does the apostrophe go after the "D" or before the "Dre?"), then AT least make them feel that coming to school the first 2 weeks of the school year was VERY commendable and worthy of an award!!!
    You'll be a jobless, welfare recipient with a record of felony assaults and drug convictions, but hey!! didn't you FEEL GOOD for a while???
    The ones who did well in school will be sitting on the Parole Board.

  8. One day if you want to be a doctor all you'll have to do is say so, but it will be easy to tell the good ones from the bad and you'll have to wait in line behind the AA's and illegal immigrants to see them.

  9. As disturbing as this is and as worthless as a high school diploma is I find it more concerning that the commentors use the word "Thugs" whenever they want to dance around the race issue without saying it.
    The system has been rigged against minorities, especially Blacks since the beginning. The Irish, the Italians, the Phillipinos all faced this but were gradually integrated when some new group came. Blacks have never been. The state of the black community today is because of generations of mistreatment. Broken families from our war on drugs, poor communities from our government supported segregation and banks that refused to write them mortgages, white owned media like the BET channel that shoves violence, drug culture and misogyny down their throats. If any other group had to face what we have put black America through over the last 200 years they would have risen up and burned the place to the ground.
    I saw a lot of use of the word "Thug" after the riots in Baltimore. Let me ask you a question. How is it that destruction of property to protest taxes is patriotic (Boston tea party), but destruction of property to protest murder is "Thuggish"? Saw a lot of you say it was " Thuggish" to wear a bandana over your face to. Guess they should have dressed up as Indians instead. I am embarrassed to call myself a Conservative because of this culture of hate that seems to permiate EVERY SINGLE ISSUE. Every time something goes wrong you want to blame minorities. Your kids still living at home at 30+? Instead of blaming Mexicans for taking their jobs, you should wonder if maybe they are too lazy and stupid to be employed. Sick of hearing about people on government programs? Stop shopping at Walmart where everyone is part time with sub-poverty pay and killing American manufacturing to boot!
    Sick of hearing about free school lunch programs? Well you don't seem to be upset when someone is given 20 years of free breakfast, lunch and dinner for victimless crimes.
    If you tool a poll on Conservative principles I believe most people would identify as Conservatives, however if you asked them outright they would not. I think this is because we seem incapable of accepting them into the fold.
    Keep your bad attitudes and you will bury your political philosophy under them.

  10. It's all rainbows people just calm down! nothing to see here! just more indoctrination of your children no sense in adjusting your TV sets we have it under control. Its all for the children. Look over there a rainbow!!!

  11. The system is not rigged against minorities, in fact everything is done to help them. They have a different set of rules designed for them. Less punishment for same misbehavior in schools (i have witnessed this many times over the years) they have a lower standard to get into schools than non minorities and they can pretty much get a free education if they want which i could never get for my kids. They habe the same opportunities but if they refuse to take them that is on them. I watch them every day successfully doing great in upperlevel classes and i also see them walking around with their pants hanging down cursing out teachers and calling girls bitches. Their choice.
    The use of the word thug is very appropriate. The dictionary defines it as a violent person, a criminal, ruffian, hooligan, vandal, hoodlum, gangster, villain. Sounds about right for the Baltimore morons and their ilk.

    1. Amen. If the minorities would utilize the education and resources given to them, which are actually more than others get they could succeed. They do not do this though it's to easy to play the race card and be lazy and not work to achieve something better.


  12. Should give them A grades and diplomas on first day of HS. Then the real students can voluntarily stay and learn and those without an interest can set sail in pursuit of their life's work.

    Bernie and Hillary will be happy since there is no more injustice.

    The above is sarcasm for the benefit of those readers who took their diploma on the first day and departed.

  13. Next thing you know they will allow someone else to take the test for them.


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