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Sunday, April 24, 2016

WOW, Change Of Plans For Trump Event In Berlin

I announced earlier that the event would be held outdoors. I was wrong. It is hard to believe that as of last night there were over 18,000 tickets given out for this event. One Police Officer told me they had heard up to 30,000 tickets are out there. It's hard to know who to believe at this time but what I can now tell you is, this event is going to be NUTS! 

I still believe Mr. Trump will not arrive until closer to 8:00 PM. However, with the number of tickets out there, plan on getting there early because they do plan on holding it indoors. I have a feeling a LOT of people are not going to be happy. 

They should have reserved the Convention Center in Ocean City. 


  1. I heard over 19,000 tickets have been given out.

  2. His 757 can get here in 1 hour 30 minutes, but a lot of stuff has to go on to get him on the plane and off. 8 PM us a pretty good estimate of his arrival. I just want to see the plane!

  3. You can bet that Airport Road is going to be swamped with gawkers.

  4. We have watched just about every single one of his rallies. CNN usually broadcasts them and if not you can find them online. During a lot of them they have what they call overflow rooms with big screen TV showing what is going on and also put them outside around the building for what they call the overflow crowds.

  5. Yes. My son just called from SDHS and said it was inside. He also said it's crazy at school right now.

  6. What time will he arrive at the airport, if he'll be in Ocean Pines at 8?

  7. Don't think you'll be seeing the 757, don't think our airport is capable of handling aircraft of that size.

    1. Yes, it is kind of short, but it can land there.

    2. 757 stated take off distance 6500 feet, SBY stated runway 6400 feet. Possible fuel, weight, tempeture calculations would affect specs.

    3. Looks like you were wrong. If Airport One can land there so can Trump.

  8. 10:16am - SBY airport can absolutely handle the 757-200 aircraft, it's takeoff distance is 5400-6000 ft (landing is 4200-4600 feet) and SBY is 6400ft runway.

  9. If you plan on attending don't let the thought of protesters bother you. They are NOT allowed on school property and have been given at this point in time an area to protest on the private properties across the road. No one attending the rally will even have to walk anywhere near them unless you chose to park in the lot across the street.
    They are barely going to be seen much less heard unless they start screaming over the traffic on Seahawk Rd.

    1. You sure they don't have tickets?

    2. No protesting allowed on school property.

  10. 10:16. SBY is plenty capable of handling that plane. Runway recently extended and upgraded.

  11. Protesters might be SOL. Now it's being said by the Wor Co sheriff's dept that the owners of the private property across the street have only given permission for people to park there. Says nothing about setting up a protest.

  12. Thousands of tickets are claimed by protesters who have no intention of going. They are just trying to hack the system.

  13. He's bringing the Cessna not the 757.

  14. It looks like the property owners across the road have given permission for people to park there. If people want to protest then they have to have the permission of the property owners to protest.
    Just like I told the protesters they will not be allowed on school property to protest I am now telling them they need the permission of the owners. You would think the organizer of the protest Bimbo Gabrielle Franks would know this. The Bimbo would best be served by listening to this Donald Trump supporter.

  15. 11:03. You mean the Cessna that is not approved to fly because the registration is expired?

  16. Actually it's up to the Secret Service, MSP, local LE and Private Security to provide a protest area 11:16. If they don't, the protesters have just as much right to be on the grounds as the Trump supporters.

  17. Awww let the Bimbo come and protest on school property. I'm sure Reggie Mason will greet her with open arms...and handcuffs. :) Just a little Eastern Shore hospitality.

  18. The Old Harley Davidson location and property has been designated by LE as protest area.

  19. Was reading loser Gabrielle Franks's facebook that she is being interviewed left and right by the media. I happen to know where she comes from and that is not saying very much! LOSER!!!! She needs to get a real job!

  20. Im at the HD building now. Parking is filling up quick. Cops are all over the place. No sense of direction anywhere.

  21. He won't be flying in on a 757, I'm sure he'll be coming in by helicopter, but with security the way it is, you won't know exactly how he gets here until he gets here and that doesn't mean he'll be traveling out of the area the same way he got here. Secret service probably can't touch Trumps' personal security staff, I'm sure there will be decoys.

  22. Gabrielle Franks is one the dumbest broads I've ever seen. If she is indicative of the young people in this country we are doomed. There aren't 2 functioning brain cells in that head of hers. She is one of the organizers and didn't have the brains to see if protesting on school property is allowed. Turns out is it not allowed on school property after she stated on here it was. Now they are all confused because they don't know whether they can set up shop on the former Harley Davidson property. If the bimbo broad's brain worked she would have asked whomever owns the property if it's okay.

  23. Oh yes, they have tickets.

  24. The protesters are stupid. They think just because it's a public school they can protest on school property. Schools are not open to the public or is the property on which they sit. Even if Trump weren't coming today, go and try and sit your butt down on the property of the school on any given day and you will be asked to leave and if not either arrested or escorted off the property. Public schools are not like parks or sidewalks where you can stand all day long if you want to and no one will bother you unless you start bothering others. I tried to tell Franks this on another post but just like every single other Know It All, Franks doesn't know much of anything.

  25. I am 10:16, and I stand corrected. Thanks to those more knowledgeable than I.

  26. How many people can SDHS accommodate for this event?

  27. For a guy who is allegedly so unpopular, he certainly gets rock star crowds. People need to wake up. Trump is the only person on either ballot that can actually do the job and do it to the point Americans can be proud of their country again. Trump rules.

  28. Whatever side you're on, if you want some comedy watch wboc coverage. It's funny as hell.

  29. A larger venue should have been offered for the rally to offer more creature comfort for attendees. However, it was shocking to see the people directly behind Trump looking at their phones during his speech. These people looked as though they were adult age and should've known better. How embarrassing for our community that these people were what everyone watching the rally saw. What a nice representation of disengagement and complete mental oblivion as to the fact that Trump didn't have to come to the Shore at all. Many candidates have passed us by year in and year out with the exception of local representatives. This was a very special event and more care should have been taken to place people behind him that demonstrated a sense of spirit and enthusiasm rather than the lackluster phone addicted peons.

  30. All outdoor venues are risky for the candidates. Too many people with long range rifle skills to be investigated and take the heat for what would in reality be a political assassination orchestrated by some whose long term financial and political plans would be upset by that person's election.
    Or it could be just a crazy lone shooter... right?


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