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Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Williams: On Attacking Our Nation's Founders

During Sen. Bernie Sanders' campaign visit to Liberty University, he told the students that our nation was created on racist principles. Students at a Christian-based university, such as Liberty, do not often hear the founders-as-racists argument. But it is featured at many other universities, as well as primary and secondary schools.

Most often, the hate-America teachings are centered on the fact that slavery is a part of our history. What is left untaught is: slavery was a routine part of human history. Blacks were the last people to be enslaved. Plus, our Founding Fathers struggled mightily over the issue of slavery.

Let us look at some of that struggle.

Read more here


  1. Have a Stroke Sanders to u treasonous dieting.

  2. ...and Stanford University students want to do away with American Civilization as a required course.

    Kind of explains the attraction to Sanders and Trump.

  3. "Blacks were the last people to be enslaved." Really because slavery or being in slave-labor conditions is more prevalent today than ever in history. Seriously folks, look it up.

    1. You are correct. Slavery today is multinational and hugely profitable. There are some right here in Salisbury, both drug slaves and sex slaves.

  4. Sanders needs to be arrested for treasonous acts.

  5. Read the whole article (about 2 minutes) and then ask why this is not what's taught in schools. Had there not been slavery allowed at the time that the Constitution was being debated, the South would not have signed on to be a part of the U.S.

  6. The subject of Freemasonry should be discussed at length when people are of school age. It must be exposed. It is impossible to understand any of the founding documents without a knowledge of Freemasonry. Ditto with the 13 colonies, 13 starts, 7 virgins, and 6 stripes of blood.

  7. Anonymous said...
    "Blacks were the last people to be enslaved." Really because slavery or being in slave-labor conditions is more prevalent today than ever in history. Seriously folks, look it up.

    April 13, 2016 at 2:44 PM

    Really?? Really??? Look it up moron. My Iris ancestors were the first slaves in this country and they were treated worse than your beloved African slaves. Yes it is a fact. Look it up. Oh, you might only find it as they were "indentured servants." Not true, they were SLAVES and they were beat, raped and murdered. Many of my white, Irish ancestor women were forcibly raped by, get this, wait, wait, BLACK men!!

  8. @5:03 Just disputing the fact that "Blacks were the last people to be enslaved." Not trying to cater to any sort of race here, but since you are butthurt over the indentured 'Iris'; they choose to get on the boat; most people in history and in current times (don't/didn't have a choice). Not trying to downplay the harsh treatment of the early Irish/Italian immigrants but you are creating a straw man argument and are clearly the moron in this case.

    Thanks for your response though.


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