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Saturday, April 09, 2016

Will Hillary Get Berned In November?

With the American electorate more polarized than at any other point in history, and both parties poised to nominate candidates with record-high negative ratings, the 2016 presidential campaign could come down to turnout.

And that may be bad news for Hillary Clinton.

The Washington Free Beacon reports:

25 percent of those backing Sanders report that they would not vote Clinton in the general election if the former secretary of state becomes the nominee, according to a McClatchy-Marist poll released early Wednesday. Only 69 percent said they would back her campaign.

Clinton supporters meanwhile are notably more willing to back her primary competitor if Sanders secures the Democratic nomination. Fourteen percent of those supporting Clinton said they would not back Sanders in the general election versus 79 percent who said they would support the Vermont senator.

That means Clinton must either win even more independent votes than a Democrat normally should, or she must hope Republicans nominate a candidate even more unpopular with his party than her.

Source: American Action News

1 comment:

  1. Obama spoke with both of them & told them to tone down the insults.Do presidents always meddle in elections?


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