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Wednesday, April 06, 2016

Wicomoico Civic Center Renovations Have Begun


The refurbishing of the Wicomico County Youth and Civic Center has begun. I will attempt to keep everyone informed by posting pictures as the work continues. The below pictures is a before and after of the painting of the ceiling. What a difference a little paint made! Executive Culver


  1. I would question if painting the ceiling would affect the acoustics.

  2. ...the acoustics will still suck, like they always have at WYCC.

  3. Great job Bob culver.

  4. They should tear whole place down. Build a new up to date state of art arena. Make it a tri-county facility and ask for some help with funding from the Md stadium authority & all 4 lower eastern shore countys to contribute as well. Since we now have a county exec. that actually knows what he's doing on adaily basis and listen and cares about residense in this county. Plus Bobby i'm sure if u talked with our Gov.Hogan and you 2 put your minds togather i'm sure a new arena would suite just fine. The Champ

  5. Great news!! Looks like we are moving forward fast here. From THE EMPERORS exit to soon to be alcohol sales moving forward but more work still to be done .Executive Beware! There are still many lefties there that secretly do not approve of your swift and tidy decisions. Renovate is what is needed but for more than this building.

  6. The Champ said...
    They should tear whole place down. Build a new up to date state of art arena. Make it a tri-county facility and ask for some help with funding from the Md stadium authority & all 4 lower eastern shore countys to contribute as well. Since we now have a county exec. that actually knows what he's doing on adaily basis and listen and cares about residense in this county. Plus Bobby i'm sure if u talked with our Gov.Hogan and you 2 put your minds togather i'm sure a new arena would suite just fine. The Champ

    April 6, 2016 at 5:20 PM

    Trust me when I tell you that money is asked from the Maryland Stadium Authority every year. If it comes to the Eastern Shore it goes to Ocean City. Don't be a smart ass and act like you know something that someone else doesn't know. Don't act like you are smarter than everyone because this just made you sound like an ignorant retard.

  7. I guess Bob is counting on the Liquor sales to be approved by the County Council and the Liquor Board. After last nights meeting it doesn't sound like he has the support he thinks he has. His biggest mistake was using Paul Wilbur.

  8. No matter what color you paint it, it will still have the acoustics of a big shower stall. It's an okay venue for anything that doesn't require hearing, like the dog shows, basketball, monster trucks and fake wrestling.
    As for the paint job, it looks a whole lot better. Who thought of having white in the first place? Duh.


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