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Sunday, April 17, 2016

Wicomico County Shuts Down Puppy Mill In Eden

On Wednesday April 6, 2016, Wicomico County Animal Control with assistance from the Wicomico County Sherriff’s Office conducted a kennel check on a resident in Wicomico County. The conditions were found to be unsatisfactory and over 300 dogs were surrendered to Wicomico County Animal Control.


  1. WOW...what a psycho

  2. Good on them, poor things.

  3. Good!

    It is so infuriating when I see constant ads in various media, advertising puppies for sale.

    And FYI...if you deliberately allow your unspayed female to breed, with the intention of selling the resulting litter, you are not "Rehoming" the pet. You are SELLING it. And you are part of the problem.

  4. It's 6:04 and WBOC just stole your story!!!
    I guess they are reading SBYNEWS!
    They should thank you for making their jobs easy!!!

  5. Where are the ARRESTS ?

  6. The Wicomico county animal control have some splaining to do supposedly people have been complaining about this home X 6 yrs.


  8. What kinds of puppies?

  9. Let's identify these criminals! Put their names out there! POS.

  10. we should make the owners live in the same condition as the dogs.

    These individuals should be properly punished and serve jail time.

  11. Anonymous Scott said...
    It's 6:04 and WBOC just stole your story!!!
    I guess they are reading SBYNEWS!
    They should thank you for making their jobs easy!!!

    April 11, 2016 at 6:06 PM

    actually this story was out there well before 6pm on other sites. not that it really matters to most sane people

  12. Hopefully the states attorney will prosecute it is up to them as the above article says surrendered so some sort of deal might have been arranged by the attorneys and owners

  13. Just having one litter of puppies at home is a messy affair. I can't imagine the smell of thirty or fifty litters in one place. Or the noise!

  14. I don't think they sold too many and that's what contributed to the situation. MD law makers need to look into the PA puppy mill laws and act because I don't think MD has any at this point in time.
    I have no doubts they will be prosecuted for animal cruelty which includes causing an animal to suffer due to an act of omission or neglect. Also neglect for deprivation of minimum care.
    The husband and wife are going to be facing some hefty prison time and the state can order restitution for the cost of the care of the dogs after they were seized. This could result in the loss of any property they own as long as there is equity in it or it's paid off. I would make an example out of them. This isn't a case of someone who is hording animals which is a psychological condition.

  15. "Anonymous said...

    Just having one litter of puppies at home is a messy affair. I can't imagine the smell of thirty or fifty litters in one place. Or the noise!

    April 12, 2016 at 8:22 AM"

    I know! I just dropped over 500 bucks at the vet's buying heartworm and flea and tick meds the other day for 1 dog. I did buy extra because they were offering a rebate.
    Then last year the moron muslim chicken farmer who lives next to where we own some property dumped kittens off on our property. We never confronted him because he's not right in the head but took the kittens home and ended up keeping them. Everytime they go to the vet's it's almost $1000.00.

  16. 11:22 restitution? Loss of property? Stupid statements since their property is worthless and most likely will be condemned.
    Restitution while in prison?
    Think before you speak.

  17. 11:22 how do you know this is not a mental condition case.
    You think its normal to have over 300 pets and that isn't due to a mental condition?
    Where do some of you know nothing know it all's come from?
    Everything you said is illogical and entire BS.

  18. Just remember people----those Cute Little Puppies
    you see in Pet Stores come from places like this!!
    The parents of the puppies are like the ones shown
    on TV. These are the ones that suffer Hell till
    the day they can't produce anymore & are taken out
    back & killed or left to die because of lack of any
    Vet Care!
    It's very difficult to look at what has happened to
    these animals for certain but I hope
    people will become educated as to what is going on
    in this world . There aren't sufficient Laws to protect
    this from happening. If they do get caught---they get
    a slap on the wrist & most will start over again--- Starting
    "in house" -- where Inspectors aren't allowed.
    There are not enough resources for the
    proper amt of State inspections and some States have No State
    Inspectors to check on these type places. I may be wrong, but
    I think MD is one of those. Most are inspected only once a
    year ---- and the Inspector has to let the breeder know when
    they are coming!!!! Imagine that Law!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Untill people work to get our Laws changed----that animals
    are CONSIDERED PERSONAL PROPERTY------not that much will be done
    to help animals . These animals rescue was due
    to someone reporting them to Animal Control and God Help
    Animal Control if what I read on here was true-- that these
    people were reported
    many, many times before to them! I truly hope this did not
    happen but if it did----they have some explaining to do !
    Let's just see what happens with this as far an punishment goes---
    it will be interesting for sure.
    If you want change----you've got to speak out to your representatives
    to bring that about ---if now----it remains the same----a little slap
    on the wrist & the crime continues on .

  19. 12:58 Sure it could be mental, but this is also how
    Puppy Mills operate----They can't contain them ,
    they inbreed & the cycle repeats itself. They then
    sell them to Pet Stores or take to Flea Markets where
    the congential diseases are passed along to the poor consumer.

  20. How can you find out if Animal Control was
    notified all those years????? I would really
    like to know that!!!!!!
    Who reported it to them this time????
    Who can find that out ???????


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