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Monday, April 18, 2016

White House Gives PATHETIC Excuse For Military Budget Cuts

The U.S. military was once, very recently, the most devastating military force in the history of the world. Our strong military kept the wolves at bay from the Kaiser to the Japanese to the Soviets. Now, it has been decimated in Obama’s America and those paying the price for our weakened military are the very brave young men and women who have picked up a rifle in defense of this nation. Now they say that they’re at the breaking point.

From TheBlaze:

A majority of Marine Corps aircraft can’t fly, prompting Marine officials to warn that the aviation corps is reaching a “breaking point,” Fox News reported.

Years of airstrikes in Afghanistan, Iraq and battling the Islamic State have taken its toll on the aircraft

“Quite honestly, it is coming on the backs of our young Marines,” Lt. Col. Matthew “Pablo” Brown, commanding officer of VMFA (AW)-533, a Hornet squadron based at Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort in South Carolina. “They can do it, and they are doing it, but it is certainly not easy.”

Fewer than one-third of the 276 F/A-18 Hornet strike fighters are ready to fly, Fox reported. Meanwhile, just 42 of 147 heavy-lift CH-53E Super Stallion helicopters are ready to fly.

Defense spending in 2010 was $691 billion, but in 2015, that dropped to $560 billion.

White House press secretary Josh Earnest blamed much of this on Republicans in Congress.

“I can’t provide an update for you in terms of the current condition of the air wing of the Marine corps, what I will say generally is we’ve been quite concerned about the approach that Congress has taken to funding our defense priorities,” Earnest told TheBlaze. “There has been a willingness on the part of Republicans to champion the sequester that has had a negative impact on the ability to fund our core defense programs.”



  1. They were the ones that pushed the "sequester" and did not bargain in good faith. The only time recently I saw the Republicans have a strong backbone and did not go DemocRAT.

  2. Say goodbye to all your freedoms and security. You have done nothing but make us even more vulnerable

  3. Stop making the CEO's of the military-industrial complex rich by paying $7000 for a computer table, $3200 for a computer monitor, $800 for a hammer, etc., and the military will have all the money it needs.
    Bribery, kickbacks, payoffs and no bid contracts are the problem, along with dozens upon dozens of lying, thieving, crooked, cheating, alcoholic, pedophilic losers who claim to "represent" us.
    The line for the hanging will stretch for miles. And I ain't letting anyone sit down and rest while waiting their turn.
    keep cheering.


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