They're prescription. That's why I wear them. A long time ago, the Middle American in me may have thought it was a bit affected maybe. But the light is very strong in southern California. And once you've experienced negative territory in public life, you begin to accept the notion of shields. I am a person who is trained to look other people in the eye. But I can't look into the eyes of everyone who wants to look into mine; I can't emotionally cope with that kind of volume. Sunglasses are part of my armor.
I hate advice unless I'm giving it.
I hate giving advice, because people won't take it.
I love discourse. I'm dying to have my mind changed. I'm probably the only liberal who readTreason, by Ann Coulter. I want to know, you understand? I like listening to everybody. This to me is the elixir of life.
I don't think many people have a very good understanding of leisure and the importance it plays in our lives. People today are too competitive about leisure, as if it needs to have some other value in order to be able to fit into our puritanical view of the world. But if you're playing golf to get a loan, it ain't golf, you know what I mean?
liberalism is a mental disease and jack is drowning in it!