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Monday, April 18, 2016

What Is Hillary Clinton Hiding? Why Won't She Release Transcripts of Her Wall Street Speeches?

In one of the better moments of an otherwise predictable Democratic debatelast night, CNN moderator Dana Bash asked Hillary Clinton three timeswhy the candidate won't release transcripts of her speeches to Wall Street banks—speeches for which she was paid a total of $2.9 million and that her own staff scrupulously documented—if there's nothing that she's trying to hide from voters.

Clinton wouldn't answer the question. Instead, she tried to deflect by claiming she has stood up to Wall Street, by attacking Bernie Sanders' record on financial deregulation, by calling for "everyone" to release transcripts, and by calling for the release of Sanders' tax returns. Watch:



  1. Why won't Governor Hogan release his NRA questions that he filled out?

  2. Why won't Governor Hogan release his NRA questions that he filled out?

  3. I hope he is a member !!!

  4. Because she is making them promises that will involve taxpayers money to them for free!

  5. Who cares what she said? It was all lies like everything else she says, so what's the big deal?


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