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Saturday, April 16, 2016

Video of kindergartener threatened with wooden paddle spotlights corporal punishment in school

A Georgia mom said she regrets giving school administrators permission to physically punish her five-year-old son.

She secretly recorded as the boy was held down and threatened with a wooden paddle at his school, southeast of Atlanta. The video - which shows him apparently trying to escape the paddling -- has more than a million views on Facebook, reports CBS News correspondent Mark Strassmann.

"What happened at that school Wednesday was not a paddling, it was not a spanking. It was abuse," said his mother, Shana Parez.

The principal and assistant principal said they were punishing her son, Thomas, with a paddle because he got into a fight and spit on another student.



  1. We need Charter schools.

  2. This was not abuse. They were going to spank him ONE time with the paddle. This was a parent who has already been arrested for having a child who will not stay in school, at five years of age. He had spit on a one child, and been in a fight with another child. He is FIVE years old. If he does not receive some kind of discipline at this point just imagine what he will be up to at the age of ten. Apparently time outs aren't working real well.

  3. Just more evidence of spoiled kids not being disciplined. When we were in school and you acted up you got paddled. You didn't scream and act up you took your punishment and learned from it. Sounds like the mother needed one to for being another clueless libtard.

  4. Sounds like they stopped too soon.. he should have met with the 'board'.

  5. His parents or parent should be hung at sunrise , the kid should be shipped to Iran along with all illegals.

  6. When is someone of authority going to realize that kids need to be disciplined. Lack of discipline very well may be the reason so many young people are headed in the wrong direction. Teachers should be allowed to do it and administration should stand behind them!


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