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Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Vast Majority of Americans Oppose Lawsuits Against Gun Makers, Dealers

Nearly three-quarters of Americans support the rights of gun makers and retailers when it comes to victims of crimes and their desire to file a lawsuit.

According to the results of a poll released Monday by the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), 72 percent of those surveyed do not think victims of crimes involving firearms should be able to sue gun manufacturers or stores because of what happened to them.

The Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA) of 2005 protects gun makers and dealers from lawsuits stemming from crimes in which their products are used.

"We commissioned this poll to help determine where Americans stand. They have told us," NSSF senior vice president and general counsel Lawrence G. Keane said. "Now, it's time for politicians to demonstrate that they have some respect for the good sense of the people and to stop vilifying the hard-working people of an entire industry and exploiting real tragedy that is the result of criminal conduct."



  1. Very stupid idea, next victims will be suing the beer company for getting a drunk husband, car manufactures for getting speeding tickets, teachers for not graduating, coffee company for not sleeping, soda companies for rotting teeth....

  2. Gun makers are not responsible for who gets hold of a gun and what they do with said gun. The dealers are the ones who can control whether guns get in the proper hands or not. They have rules to go by and if they follow those rules, they shouldn't get in trouble.

  3. Sandy Hook, the shooter killed his mom, and broke into the gunsafe to steal the legally bought, and owned rifle of his mothers!

    How can any attorney or judge even think this is a liability of the gun makers?

  4. This all comes back to your Justice System, folks.
    As long as they can change the law by applying 'interpretation' to it, we will all be doomed to this BS two sets of laws. The Justice System is self-perpetrating and suborned.


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