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Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Tsunami Buoy in "EVENT MODE" off New Jersey - Sudden 180' Water Depth Change

According the the US Government's National Data Buoy Center (NDBC), some type of "event" in the ocean off the New Jersey coast triggered a Tsunami Buoy!

The buoy recorded sudden changes in water depth of fifty-five METERS (180 feet) in a matter ofseconds.

Here is what the Buoy recorded:



  1. Notice the mention of a Submarine, all ours are accounted for at that time.
    Are there some others that close to our Shores?

  2. I believe it got hooked on a submarine and was pulled under water. Clearly there was not tsunami, but the new question it who do the submarine belong to? The USA, Russia, China or Korea?

  3. Did they call an alert or just keep this to themselves? It was a couple days ago, didn't hear anything about this. If not, why do we even have them?

  4. Captain Nemo lives.

  5. Meteor shower is to blame. Same shower left a crater in Bowie MD.

  6. No its Global Warming. LOL

  7. It's Bush's fault.

  8. I'm no scientist but if a sub snagged the cable and pulled it 80' under, then why didn't it go back up 80'? Data shows 80' change and then 180' change in other direction. Thinking not a sub.

  9. They know, believe me, the military knows if a sub, any rutting nation's sub, was out there. They just ain't sayin', folks. All they said was, "We ain't got none there".

  10. It had to be a fluke.....otherwise a sea level drop of 180 feet would trigger a monster wave that would obliterate most of Delmarva.All of our subs are accounted for but I wouldn't put it past China or Russia to be out there cruising-BUT wouldn't our own Navy or the NSA have intel on foreign subs?

  11. The meteor idea makes the most sense and explains the "bobbing" afterwords. A submarine snag wouldn't make the buoy leap 40 feet two or three times. Waves would.

    Also, if the bottom dropped out of the ocean, the first motion would be "up", not down.

    Meatier! I'll have that burger now...

  12. The same thing happened here that happened in the opening sequences of the movie "The Abyss" when the sub was destroyed.The average person does not realize that many movies,sci fi and otherwise,reflect actual real life events.The public has proven time and time again that they can't handle the harsh reality of what is actually occurring around them.Even brilliant people have narrow minds.

  13. Drug cartel drug smuggling subs!!!


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