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Sunday, April 24, 2016

Trump Rally In Hagerstown, Maryland. What an entrance!!!

Trumps Entrance starts at the 44:50 time mark.  What a huge crowd!


  1. Please make it happen !! Out with the filth and in with the clean.

  2. wboc says there is nobody there.

  3. Wow!!! I am impressed. One thing for certain - Maryland's economy has been decimated with loss of massive amounts of factories, and, companies deciding to move the heck out of here. I Hope that Trump's message resonates as much with the rest of the voting public as it has with me.

  4. I can't wait until he explains how he is going to get all these things accomplished. So far, I have only heard what he says he is going to do - How? is the question I have.

  5. 8:56,At least Mr.Trump is going to try and work for us,where as the current politicians are definitely working against us.

  6. Agree 9:48, thats why I'm voting for him, sick of these lifelong bought and paid for politicians who have THEIR interests at hand, not ours.

  7. No one has ever stated how to when running for office.

  8. Vote all the rift raft out of Congress and Senate and you might see what Trump can do with this country to make it great again. They all have become to comfortable with their job and special money!!

  9. Looks Presidential to me!


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