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Friday, April 01, 2016

Top Trump Ally off the Rails?

Last week, we reported that talk radio host Michael Savage may withdraw his support for GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump over the candidate's treatment of Ted Cruz's wife, Heidi. This week, Trump may be on the verge of losing another major supporter: conservative firerbrand Ann Coulter. As the Washington Examiner reports:

Defending billionaire businessman Donald Trump is like constantly having to bail a teenage son from prison, author and political commentator Ann Coulter groused in a recent radio interview.

"I'm a little testy with our man right now. Our candidate is mental! Do you realize our candidate is mental?" Coulter said jokingly during a taping of an episode of the "Milo Yiannopoulos Show," which is scheduled to air in full this weekend. "It's like constantly having to bail out your 16-year-old son from prison."

Yiannopoulos and Coulter have spent most of the 2016 GOP primary enthusiastically defending Trump, and making the case for why he is the most qualified candidate to take on the Democratic front-runner in the fall.

However, Coulter is now unhappy with Trump over his late-night Twitter shenanigans, which have included attacks on journalists, businesses, television networks, heads of state and Heidi Cruz, the wife of Texas Senator Ted Cruz.

For months, it seemed like nothing could derail the Trump Train. That may still be the case. But key media surrogates and top conservatives deserting Trump can't be good.

Source: AAN

1 comment:

  1. Still voting for him. Look at the alternatives.


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