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Tuesday, April 12, 2016

This Veteran's Stunning Tribute to His Fallen Brothers

This is an incredible story of a man who really sets the standard for how we as Americans should honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice. Via Wide Open Country:

At the corner of Post Office St. and 21st St. in Galveston, Texas, an 83-year-old Marine vet named Guy Taylor emerges onto his balcony every night at sunset for one very special reason. When he was fighting the Korean War, one of his best friends, Cpl David Champagne was killed in action. Years later, when Taylor traveled across the country to Maine to visit his friend’s grave, he promised to play “Taps” every single day as a tribute to Champagne and all fallen heroes.

Ever since then, he plays the bugle call in the middle of downtown Galveston with the hopes of getting others to stop and remember those in our armed forces.

Fellow veteran and city Constable Clint Wayne Brown brings his cop car to the intersection outside his upstairs apartment and stops traffic while Taylor performs. He’s been doing it for the last four years, ever since he drove past Taylor and was astonished that other passersby simply ignored the tribute.

Source: AAN


  1. How would you like to be his neighbor?

  2. I would be proud of him and the officer.


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