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Friday, April 08, 2016

The Daily Times Are Not Only Lazy, They're Incompetent

"Although he was charged as an adult, the Wicomico Bureau of Investigation has not released his name as of Friday".

All ANY reporter has to do is GO TO THE COURT HOUSE and look at the charging documents.

Implying the police are trying to cover it up reminds me of their lawsuit against Ocean City because they refused to give up a juveniles name.

My hat is tipped to Law Enforcement and the States Attorneys Office for not formally exposing this child's name until due process is complete. 


  1. They're just late to the party on this. 24 hours later they had to come up with something to get attention.

  2. All anyone has to do is go to the courthouse and look at the charging documents if they want to know his name.

  3. new editor, same bad paper. Where do they get these reporters?

  4. Lazy and incompetence often go hand in hand with lack of common sense. The thrive towards journalistic integrity is all but dead in America where the MSM works as a propaganda arm of the government and it's establishment donor class puppets. You kids are going to have to learn about the alternative sources to get your news if you want real news. You can't depend any longer on the alphabet soupers to give you the real scoops.

  5. But the courthouse is so far awaaaay! Whaaah!

  6. Well, you must be able to read to take this advice.

  7. The media , including the times doesn't do any investigative reporting , you know it and we know it . it's cheaper that way and it gives them a chance to make you wonder or sensationalize . That is a marketing tool , it works. All the media does it now seems as though we should be used to it. What makes me very uncomfortable is the lies and false statements. The old saying that "the truth will set you Free" , is still in my mind and heart. It's a sad thing when they can't even get the date right.

  8. Get a life what does it really matter what his name was you people have way too much time on your hands


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